STEM Magnet Schools Branding, Imaging, Marketing and Training

Purpose / Background:

The Albuquerque Public Schools received a $7.8 million grant from the US Department of Education’s Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) to develop a K-12 pathway of STEM magnet schools in the North Valley to include Mission Avenue Elementary, Garfield Middle School, and a STEM magnet school on the Valley High School campus.

The project, titled Engineering the Future, is charged with fulfilling the goals of APS magnet schools:

  1. Create a systemic portfolio of choice options that meet the needs of students, families, and community; ensure geographic equity and accessibility to K-12 pathways; attract enrollment; and promote diversity.
  2. Build a culture of innovation and an entrepreneurial approach to design educational opportunities.
  3. Invest in developing demonstration sites that support the elevation of professional practice district-wide.

The APS goals for magnet schools align with the expected outcomes of the district and the MSAP grant; increased student learning, increased enrollment, and increased student diversity. The three schools in the K-12 pathway will continue to serve their neighborhood students within their boundary, and will be designed to attract enrollment of a diverse student body from all over the city.

Scope of Work:

  1. Development of the Engineering the Future Brand

The selected consultant must work with the school and grant program staff to develop the key elements that make the Engineering the Future brand, including the vision, identity, purpose, and positioning.

  1. Creative Image

The selected consultant will create visuals that communicate the brand in a compelling manner. Visual images should express the uniqueness of the magnet schools yet clearly tie the schools to the Albuquerque Public Schools district. A tagline that describes the brand and value succinctly and creatively will be required. The consultant will provide both electronic and print templates that can be used on social media, school websites, in printed informational materials including flyers, brochures, post cards, posters, banners, PowerPoint presentations, building signage, letterhead, handbooks, email marketing templates, websites, print and electronic ads, press releases, and annual reports.

  1. Marketing

The selected consultant will develop a strategy and implementation plan that identifies efficient and cost effective avenues to target primary and secondary audiences as follows:

  1. Primary Audiences: Parents and students who are interested in a specialized engineering and computer science learning experience for students in grades k-12. The marketing strategy must yield measurable increases in student enrollment. Outreach to families who have “opted out” of the Albuquerque Public Schools and families who are seeking choice options for students.
  2. Secondary Audiences: STEM industry in Albuquerque to generate interest and support for the STEM workforce pipeline, the general public for the purpose of enhancing the perception and reputation of APS, higher education, APS faculty and staff to promote pride in the institution and create a recruitment pipeline of innovative educators, elected and government officials, opinion leaders, and community pillars who can advocate for expanding specialized schools and support development of the portfolio strategy.
  1. Training

Magnet school and district personnel have many opportunities to share the message informally throughout the larger community with their personal and professional networks. Training in effective verbal communication strategy, succinct and consistent word-of-mouth messaging, and practice with frequently asked questions will equip personnel to fulfill their critical personal role in messaging.

Due Date:

February 6


Albuquerque Public Schools

Attention: Procurement Dept., City Center, Suite 500 E

PO Box 25704

Albuquerque, NM 87125-0704

PR firms with education experience include Edelman PR & Zeno Group.

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