Sunshine Sachs: Who Is Alexander De la Torre Bueno of Sunshine Sachs

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Very rare that a Public Relations firm is featured in the New York Times.  Of course, today’s feature entitled, “Wikipedia Pages of Star Clients Altered by P.R. Firm” is one which Sunshine Sachs would rather did not appear.

The story details efforts by Sunshine Sachs to influence – and change – Wikipedia results.

Apparently the story emanated from an expose published by a company called Wiki Strategies who revealed further information, including that edits were made to the pages of Naomi Campbell, Mia Farrow, Sarah Brightman and many others.

They identify Sunshine Sachs employee Alexander de la Torre Bueno as the Wikipedia editor.

It says he works “as a strategist on a variety of social media and digital accounts at Sunshine Sachs. My clients have included online education start-ups creativeLIVE, World Science Festival, Montefiore Medical Center, The Webby Awards, The Audubon Society, and journalist Mark Leibovich.”

He is a graduate of George Washington University with a degree in journalism.  He further noted he has “worked on a variety projects ranging from social media consulting for Montefiore Hospital, World Science Festival, and Mark Leibovich to Digital PR for the online education start-up creative live. Through my firm I have accumulated experience in digital analytics, online strategy, digital/tech PR outreach, and multimedia editing.”

Surely, we have not heard the last of this story.

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