Crisis PR: Swami Nithyananda – India’s Leading Spiritual Guru May Be Promoting Sexual Healing

Swami Nithyananda

A huge story from India today reveals an alleged sex scandal involving Swami Nithyananda, one of India’s most popular spiritual gurus. A sex video, supposedly depicting Swami Nithyananda with as yet unidentified Tamil actress, was aired by several India TV outlets. This holy man has a worldwide following extending all over India, to Malaysia and even the United States. Everything PR News found the original Sun TV broadcast(below). Apparently Swami Nithyananda is promoting “sexual healing” now?

Update: I could not help but add a video of Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” the atmosphere of this article was so thick with irony. Please be advised too, that none of these allegations against the Swami have been proven as of this update. We will advise you of any announcements. For now though, the good guru simply must have a sense of humor.

32 year old Swami Nithyananda, also known as Paramahamsa Nithyananda, was apparently caught on video which aired on Sun TV as well as other notable broadcast networks. Though the face of the actress was blurred, rumored has it that famous Tamil bombshell Ranjitha was the woman in question. This has however, not been confirmed nor denied by spokespeople from either celebrity. Sun TV has not as of yet revealed the location or situation of the video, but other reports suggest it may have some as part of a large sting operation at a hotel in Ashram.

Nithyananda has a YouTube channel from which followers can see media to help them “awaken the cosmic energy within” supposedly. The “Life Bliss Network”, as it is called, has a wealth of spiritual offerings for the following, and apparently has branches all over the world. If the reports coming out today are true, maybe the guru was just trying to stir up his companions cosmic karma? Who knows.

Until spokespeople can get into the act, the speculation alone is enough bad PR to sink the swami’s brand name significantly. Below is the suggested Sun broadcast via YouTube. Why is it I keep hearing the tune of “Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye in my head?

This music video is obviously vintage. As a second thought, if these allegations are true, the Swami still has a career in cosmic curing via Marvin’s route.

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