Tagged: marketing

You're out'a here! - Courtesy arbyreed 0

Board Game PR: Down With Ironing, Long Live the Monopoly Cat?

Hasbro has gone and done it, the legendary game makers have done away with pressed shirts and stiff collars altogether. Now when the family breaks out the Monopoly Game in sheer boredom, a new token will be there for the gang to fight over. The riveting new Monopoly Cat token replaces the venerable (maybe worn out) iron play piece.

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The Foregone Conclusion of a Twitter Marketing Funnel: Like It or Not

I just got off Skype with a friend and client whose company absolutely defies any suggestion Twitter is a viable marketing tool. You read that correctly @briansolis. Believe it or not, there are millions or companies out there that would refuse and refute ANY channel preferred by clients, if a decision maker in the crew is adamantly enough against the channel.

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The Journey of Business: International Direct Mail Campaign

It’s hard enough to ensure your address data is valid when you’re dealing with one country and one set of mail format rules. When you move into direct marketing on an international level, things get even trickier. You have to keep track of all postal requirements for individual countries, as well as target your marketing campaigns to work with the culture and demographics of a particular region. You can get great results from marketing internationally, but here are a few considerations to keep in mind when you take the global plunge.

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NetBase Study Gives Insight Into Apparel Marketing via Social

A brand new study by intelligence experts NetBase tells all about why the social channels matter if you’re in the fashion business. The report entitled; “Social Channels of Influence for APPAREL” gives the “why” and “how” of engaging your most valued clientele.

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Native Advertising: Will It Save or Slay the Needy Media?

Lewis DVorkin is a great writer. Check that, Lewis DVorkin’s a brilliant writer. A Forbes piece pitting the ad world against the PR industry Monday echoes of Richard Edelman public relations celebrity (and might to an extent), but the piece also emits the cries of a fairly stupefied textual news media too. More than this though, these kinds of editorials could decry the very journalistic separation the PR and media industry content needs separating. This begs the question; “Is the public full on ready for inherently blurred ideals, or can communicative wizards make the magic transformation stick?

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The High Price of Low Cost SEO

Everyone wants to be found in the search engines. Organic visitors typically account for most Web publishers’ traffic and yield one of the highest long-term returns on investment of any digital channel.