Tagged: PR Leader

Job Training & Employment Corporation, Inc. Issues Social Media RFP

5WPR Founder On Job Displacement in Marketing & PR

The marketing and public relations landscape is witnessing a significant transformation. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are rapidly altering how businesses reach target audiences, manage brand reputation, and achieve marketing objectives. While concerns about widespread job...

Q&A with Montieth & Company CEO, Montieth Illingworth

This is an interview with Montieth & Company CEO, Montieth Illingworth on Public Relations in the Wake of Covid-19 Montieth & Company is a global communications consultancy that provides a comprehensive set of communications solutions...

Rembrandt Flores of EFG Feature Story

Rembrandt Flores of EFG Feature Story

Today an interview with Rembrandt Flores.  Start from the beginning, how did your career happen?  My career was a pure accident! I was working in production on an international TV show for E! and...

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