Tagged: PR Plan

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Pot vs Booze – the PR of vice

Today you can’t turn on the TV or log onto social media without seeing some version of the PR war raging regarding various vices. The debate between which vices are “worse” than others is...

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Are FIFA reforms too little too late?

5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian and Everything-PR News contributor, Ronn Torossian, breaks down if the latest FIFA reforms are a little too late Anyone can make a mistake, and, sometimes, you have to pay a...

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Four Companies Who Are Terrible At PR

PR isn’t just about press releases, but about every dealing your company has – including internal dealings, at least that is ultimately true. Below are our thoughts on some of the worst public relations...


Top PR Events in Chicago

If growing your skillset in the name of being a true public relations expert is a necessity for your business, here are five Chicago-based PR events to check out in 2012.

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