Tagged: technology

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Recorded Future Knows Tomorrow – Already

Recorded Future offers robust tools for temporal and predictive analysis including advanced visualizations, data for predictive modelling, and fine-grain Future oriented alerts.

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The Future Is Here: Toshiba Sells Glasses Free 3D TV

Toshiba is one step ahead of its competitors – the company announced that it will start selling the world’s first glasses-free 3-D liquid-crystal-display television sets in December, less than a year after most set makers launched 3-D television sets that require eye-wear.

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PR Review: Using InfluenceFinder to Power a PR Campaign

InflueceFinder is more than an SEO tool. As the name suggests, it helps users to find those sites that are the most influent in a certain niche. The tool can be used in a number of ways, and it is very valuable for PR use as well.

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Next Generation Learns Socially at Hyper Island

If you ever wondered if there is a tech world outside Silicon Valley, you might be surprised to know that all the great minds on the Internet do not live in California. A Swedish school called Hyper Island trains the digital pioneers of the future, though so few realize it. Everything PR brings a glimpse of the future of social and digital learning.

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Virgin Blue Denies Media Ban, Blames it on Australian Federal Police

Virgin Blue denies airline has denied being responsible for a media ban affecting its terminals around Australia which occurred after their reservations systems have once again crashed earlier today. The airline says the Australian Federal Police kept the media away from terminals to avoid an increasing congestion.