Texas Veterans Commission Issues Social Media RFP

Texas Veterans Commission Issues Social Media RFP
Texas Veterans Commission Issues Social Media RFP

The objective of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to retain the services of a qualified vendor to develop the Texas Veterans Commission brand and promote agency services via online and social media advertising. The result of these efforts will benefit Texas veterans and their families, including the Texas economy.

The Awarded Vendor will plan, develop, execute, track and report results for the Texas Veterans Commission’s outreach campaign.

The outreach campaign must support the objectives of the TVC in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of this RFP using online and social media by:

·         Developing strategies to reach the identified population of veterans in Texas (see Section 2.1 of this RFP).

·         Providing information and increasing awareness of the services and benefits available to Texas veterans, their families and survivors.

·         Encouraging participation by Texas veterans, their families and survivors to access the benefits available to them.

·         Developing the Texas Veterans Commission brand.


The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) was created in 1927 as the State Service Office to assist veterans of the Indian wars, Spanish-American War and World War I. Our purpose has always been to act as the state-appointed advocate of Texas veterans as they attempt to secure the benefits rightfully earned in exchange for their service in our nation’s armed forces.

TVC’s mission is to advocate for and provide superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families, and survivors. The agency provides services through 8 programs.

Effective September 15, 2017, TVC was granted newfound authority by the 85th Texas Legislature to conduct outreach campaigns to provide information relating to and increase awareness of benefits and services available to veterans. This authority is granted in Texas Government Code, Section 434.024 which states:

Scope of Work:

Awarded Vendor will plan, develop, execute, track and report results for the Texas Veterans Commission’s outreach campaign. Proposers are encouraged to make suggestions and provide ideas on how TVC and Awarded Vendor can best achieve the objectives of TVC’s outreach campaign.

·         Marketing and Advertising Planning: Develop recommendations for a Marketing and Advertising Plan that supports the objectives set forth by TVC in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of this RFP. Recommendations may include strategic direction, creative strategy, brand development and stewardship, media plan and cooperative plan.

·         Media Buy: Buy and execute the media plan presented in the Marketing and Advertising Plan and approved by TVC. Execution includes placement, optimization, cancellations, and auditing. The Awarded Vendor will sign all advertisement agreements/insertion orders, handle billing and payment. Awarded Vendor must maintain records of its contracts, invoices and other relevant documentation of its agreements with all subcontractors or third-party vendors. Awarded Vendor shall include such backup documentation with its invoices, along with all other supporting or backup documentation as requested by TVC.

·         Concept Development/Production: Concept creative online materials/campaign elements as described in the Marketing and Advertising Plan. Once approved, produce and bring to final form the approved advertising materials to run on behalf of TVC.

Proposers must submit evidence of its organization’s capability to meet the Scope of Work deliverables by describing strategies to be used and quality controls. Responses should demonstrate Proposers’ knowledge and understanding of branding and the shifting dynamics of how consumers receive and use information today. The following should be addressed in Proposals:

1.       Strategic Planning: Provide an inside look at how the scope of work will be executed.

2.       Advertising Campaign and Development: Discuss how your company develops a holistic approach to advertising, integrating interactive and social, into the overall strategy. Discuss how your media planning has evolved based on how consumer’s use information today.

3.       Production/Creative Services: Describe how your company manages the creative process and production.

4.       Media Planning and Buying: Describe your process in deciding where, when and how to purchase media. Provide details including: What analytics do you use? What is your philosophy as it relates to planning and buying media? Are there any strategies and promotional partnerships you can suggest to extend a client’s budget and exposure; specifically, for online media such as social media and Google Ads?

5.       Social Media Presence: TVC currently manages its social presence in-house. The Awarded Vendor is expected to provide the overarching social strategy and guidance on implementation.

6.       Research and Analytics: Provide an overview of how you determine success. What are the analytical tools or services that you use and what type of information you plan to report back to the Texas Veterans Commission, and frequency of reporting? How do your analytics influence future decision making?

Due Date:

July 24, 2019


Texas Veterans Commission

Attn: Chris Wood, Purchaser

William B. Travis Building

1701 N. Congress Ave., Suite 9-100

Austin TX, 78701

Coyne PR and Small Girls PR have relevant experience.

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