Times Square Ball Engages Social

Ball Drop Times square everything-pr

Ball Drop Times square everything-pr

For those Americans and other travelers abroad who couldn’t enjoy the 2011 New year countdown in New York City’s Times Square, there was at least one opportunity (aside good-old-fashioned television) to participate. This opportunity happened on the Internet (where else) where Times Square Ball still broadcasts a  feed from the market (currently a re-run). There are thousands of viewers online, enjoying this rare opportunity. But not many know how Times Square engages social media, as the press coverage was focused on the spectacular events in the market.

There’s  a Times Square Ball Twitter account, surprisingly not as popular as it should be, and unverified and even a Facebook fan page, with under 1000 members at this point. And sure, a popular venue such as Times Square had to be on foursquare too. But this is a beginning. After all, there are only 364 days until the next New Year’s Eve.

And if you think this beginning is rather humble, you are right – nevertheless it is a step in the right direction, and whoever is behind the Times Square Ball social media outreach got the picture right. Smart phone apps (for iPhone and Android) have been developed to help revelers find information about the Times Square New Year’s Eve Celebration including the history, news, weather, photos, relevant maps and LIVE Show schedule. The app is social, allowing users to check-in via Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter to find out how far away they are from Times Square. Additionally, the app enables users to watch live streaming of the events in Times Square leading up to New Year’s Eve throughout December as well as the highlight promo and other exclusive video content.

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