Three Top Public Relations Firms in Germany

Top Germany PR Firms

Top Germany PR Firms

The next international market we review is Germany – Internationally known for the technology and culture scenes in cities such as Munich, Berlin, and Hamburg, Germany provides a veritable hub of media and communications. Unsurprisingly, they host a number of distinguished public relations outlets. Here are three of Germany’s most outstanding PR firms.

Big Bang and Whisper PR

Big Bang and Whisper

The bureau of visionary communications strategist Sebastian Hesse, this Berlin-based communications firm brings more than fourteen years of public relations experience to their work. Big Bang and Whisper’s PR focuses on related fields such as marketing and content strategy. They are particularly skilled in digital content development and management. Their focus on content marketing reflects in their practice, offering insight into Germany’s business communications trends via their website and Twitter account. Though Big Bang and Whisper’s reach is far, extending to the global level, they maintain a “boutique” feel and a promise to their customers of efficiency. “No interns, no VPs, no fancy offices,” they boast. “[We’d] rather spend the money on your campaign.”

Serviceplan Public Relations


Part of a large-scale communications outlet, the PR wing of Serviceplan excels in arenas such as corporate publishing, social online communication, crisis communication, and change PR. Calling on the other agencies within their corporation to advise on public relations campaigns, Serviceplan focuses with a level of professionalism suitable for major international players. With offices in Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, and Frankfurt, as well as Austria, France, Italy, India, the United Arab Emirates, China, and more, Serviceplan’s extensive reach goes as far as any communications agency based in Germany.

Schwartz PR

Schwartz PR

Founded in 1994, this Munich-based public relations agency takes pride in having stayed abreast of the explosive growth in digital communications while maintaining a commitment to the strict methodology leading to their success. They worked with some of their customers since 1997; current clients include many of Germany’s top tech companies along with international players such as Weebly, Prezi, and Fujitsu. With a noted “sixth sense” for engaging editorial work, they cultivate and sustain positive relationships with the press as part of their long-term strategy.

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