Every smart business owner knows that it is impossible to be everywhere at one time. There comes a time when a growing business needs help. While this is wonderful for the small business owner, it can also mean extra stress for the business owner. It is important to realize when you need that extra help.
Having a good support team will make all the difference to you and your business.
Unfortunately, it is commonly believed that not having a lot of money to pay a good candidate that you will have to take someone that is not really qualified to be a great asset to your small business. This is not necessarily the truth. It is possible to find great help for little money out of pocket.
Consider where you would be if your business had a great sales person. Someone who had the know how to bring in higher yield sales. When you consider the amount of money you will be making with this great new salesperson it can really make a difference in your hiring choices.
Once you understand that you can afford to hire a high achiever, now you need to figure how to interview people to find the right one for your company. One of the most important things to consider when hiring a new employee is if they have staying power. Will they hang in there when the chips are down and work hard to make those sales happen?
Take Chet Holmes for example. He is a very successful sales consultant, who has been able to increase sales in every one of the companies he has worked with. He tells all the owners he speaks with that it is very important to challenge everyone you are considering hiring from the first time you speak with them, letting them know that you will only be hiring someone that you are positive will do a outstanding job bringing in new customers.
Doing this exercise will let you know in a instant if this is someone worth considering to hire. If they don’t do a good job of selling themselves to you then you know that they will not do a good job selling your product or service.
Finding the right help is a challenging job for any business owner. Sometimes it can be helpful if you are working with business coaching companies so they can help you to learn all the traits of high achievers. It can also be helpful in your search if you are working with a mid-life coach, these professionals really know how to get the best candidate.
The things to look for in a candidate are as follows:
1. Natural Sales Talent – It is always great when you find someone that is just naturally a good sales person, however, don’t discount a person that does not appear to have that natural ability. There is something to be said for those that are willing to try hard and learn. Sometimes these people are hungrier for the sale.
2. The Right Attitude – How people project themselves in everyday life is a good indicator of how they will act when at work.
3. Ability to Fit with Their Surroundings – It is important that the right candidate not only have the can do attitude of a great salesperson but they must also be flexible and be able to change with to meet the customer’s needs.