Tourism RFP Issued By Davis County, Utah

The Davis County Tourism and Events (DCT) office, part of Davis County, Utah, invites interested marketing and advertising agencies to submit proposals in response to this Request for Proposals for marketing services with the responsibility of guiding and managing a precision marketing, creative and public relations strategy (creative services) and associated media planning and buying (media services).

Respondents may submit a proposal for any of the following:

A. Marketing, Creative Services and Public Relations Strategy;

B. Media Planning and Buying Services;

C. Both Services


Davis County is located in Northern Utah and lies between the Great Salt Lake on the west and the Wasatch Range on the east. Davis County is the third most populated County in Utah but is the smallest by land area. DCT is responsible for promoting and marketing the area to encourage people to visit the County with the goal of increasing economic impact. In 2018, visitor spending in Davis County was $516.8M, directly supporting the local economy which is the 5th highest in the State according to the University of Utah Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute report. The Lodging Accommodations Tax (TRT) specifically that year was $2M, the 9th highest in the State, while Restaurant Tax (TRCC) was $5M, the 3rd highest in the state. 

Scope of Work:

The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to hire an agency(s) to work with DCT in providing marketing and creative services, as well as media planning and buying. The awarded Agency(s), will become the Agency(s) of Record for DCT. The Agency(s) will work closely with DCT’s team on all aspects of marketing service needs and requests. The Agency(s) responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to the following: Section A- Creative Agency:

1. Marketing and Creative Services and Public Relations Strategy

A. Strategy

a.Develop a high-level, integrated marketing and PR strategy for DCT for the next 3-5 years that builds brand equity, and addresses the needs of DCT

b.Use of data sources available through DCT, Utah Office of Tourism, and additional research to optimize the marketing strategy

c.Bring expertise to managing and advancing the brand

B. Campaign Development and Execution

a.Ideate and present creative approaches to marketing campaigns in line with the overall marketing and PR strategy

b.Appropriate for all media channels and platforms: digital and traditional media and social platforms

c.Ideate and present creative approaches to branding marketing collateral that is in alignment with the DCT brand

d.PR professionals and media/publication access for story distribution.

e.Produce all campaign creative materials and accompanying assets i. Additionally, any other tourism creative assets needed at the request of DCT

f. Video Filming and production management

g.Content recommendations and options for obtaining assets.

i. I.e. images, video, website content writing, etc.

h.Testing strategies for campaign creative or messaging.

C. Work with 3-party partners and DCT staff to assist in managing these campaigns and projects

a.Potential Media Buying agency

b.Website Agency 

2. Media Planning and Buying Agency

A. Planning and Buying Media 

a.Provide recommended media plans in order to achieve the highest return possible, meet outlined KPI’s, create brand awareness, and achieve increased visitation to the area.

b.Media plans to include CPM, reach, frequency, impressions, flight recommendations, and reasoning behind the recommendations, along with tracking metrics available for individual platforms

c.Subscriber to media planning/buying software programs

d.Be able to plan multiple media plans based on media campaigns or initiates, including cooperative campaigns that focus on out-of-state areas to promote traveling to Discover Davis for their vacation, event specific promotions, in-state only campaigns, and more. 

e.Plan A/B testing campaigns as necessary to track successes of campaign creative and/or messaging.

f. Solicit, negotiate, secure and monitor various media outlets, including, but not limited to: TV, print, digital channels, social platforms, radio, out-of-home, direct mail, etc. The Respondent shall secure media placements and rates most advantageous and economical to DCT 

g.Seek out and recommend partnerships and media placement opportunities that will help DCT achieve its goals

h.Use of data sources available through DCT, UOT and additional research to optimize media placements

i. Present DCT with new options for placement if it aligns with the overall strategy

j. Manage creative traffic and deadlines for each marketing platform

k.Relationships with local and regional media contacts

Due Date:

January 04, 2021, at 5:00 p.m


Davis County, a political subdivision of the state of Utah PO Box 618 61 S Main St, Rm 104 Farmington, UT 84025

Relevant agencies to consider for this assignment include Kaplow PR and Shift Communications.

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