
The Township of Cherry Hill is seeking a vendor to receive, sort, process and market commingled, single stream recyclable materials collected curbside and delivered to vendor’s facility by, or on behalf of Cherry Hill Township and cooperative members. Note the Township is advertising this CCRFP for its needs and the needs of the cooperative members., (See Attachment B), however, each individual cooperative member shall be responsible for all fees due to vendor from said entity. The successful vendor will be required to enter into a contract with the Township and with the participating members separately from the Township. The Township is procuring this service as lead agency for the Cherry Hill Township Cooperative Pricing System, ID# 37-CHCPS Recyclable materials include, but are not limited to:

§ Cardboard: Corrugated cardboard boxes, chipboard packaging (including but not limited to dry food boxes such as cereal, rice, pasta, cookie, cracker, etc. (without liner bags), gift boxes, shoe boxes, tissue boxes, powdered detergent boxes, paper towel rolls, clean pizza boxes (no food debris), soda and beer carriers etc…

§ Mixed Paper: A mixture of various qualities and grades of paper, which includes, but are not limited to, old newspapers, including all paper inserts delivered with newspapers, magazines, catalogs, office paper, junk mail, envelopes, paper bags, brown paper bags, telephone books, paperback books, non-foil/string wrapping paper etc.

§ Glass Food & Beverage Containers: Clear, green, brown, etc… colored food and beverage bottles, jugs, and jars.

§ Plastic containers and mixed plastics #1, #2 & #5; bottles, jugs, tubs and jars, beverage, food, health, beauty, empty cleaning products etc…. Examples include, but are not limited to; food tubs, trays, containers etc…

§ Metal Food & Beverage Cans: Aluminum and steel food and beverage cans.

The proposer is welcome to include additional items for processing. Additional items (commodities) may be identified in the Firm’s proposal, or the Firm may propose additional items by written request at any time during the life of the contract. These items may or may not be accepted by the Township. If additional items are accepted into the contract, said items shall remain in the material specifications for the entirety of the contract. Added items may only be removed from the contract upon mutual agreement by both the Township and the contractor. Historical data contained in attachment B indicates that an annual aggregated total of said recyclables is approximately 8,500 tons. By their participation in this CCRFP, all cooperative members identified in Attachment B shall be obligated to deliver all recyclables designated herein to the vendor’s facility for the term of the agreement resulting from this CCRFP process.

The proposer shall provide the following information in its proposal: or address how it will provide these deliverables. The scope of service should include, but not be limited to, the following, as applicable:

· Proposer’s facility location, its daily, weekly, and annual throughput capacity

· Guarantee of capacity for Township/members during the term of the agreement resulting from this RFP.

Due Date: 11:00 a.m. prevailing time on January 28, 2025

Contact: Alvin Plodizyn 856-488-7848

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