U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Issues Website RFP

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (hereafter “the Commission”) invites submission of proposals to design and develop the new www.uscc.gov website, from concept to completion. The successful contractor will have demonstrated experience in managing total website redevelopment projects and expertise with best practices regarding successful website design, development, and deployment.

The Commission was established by Congress in 2000 to monitor and report to Congress on the national security implications of the bilateral security and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Further details about the Commission are available on its website at: www.uscc.gov. The Commission’s website is used to inform Congress and the public about the Commission, its members, and its work, and serves as a resource for Congressional and public access to all previous work of the Commission, including annual reports to Congress, hearings, contracted studies and staff papers.

Scope of Work:

The Commission aims to improve and modernize its website by:

                • Making content more accessible and presentable;

                • Incorporating social media and other key features prominently in its interface;

                • Reorganizing content to prioritize most important information;

                • Creating tools that help highlight the Commission’s relevancy and credibility;

                • Improving the overall quality of the design, navigation, interactivity, and presentation.


                1. Planning and Strategy

                                a. The contractor will work with the Commission to understand the organization’s mission and vision for the site, and present a project plan, including detailed deadlines                                  and deliverables.

                2. Information Architecture

                                a. The contractor will design and develop the site in accordance with the website redevelopment goals outlined above, as well as ensuring the redesign:

                                                i. Reflects areas of most relevance and interest while being logical and intuitive                                                                 to visitors.

                                                ii. Includes a mobile version of the site, though design should be prioritized for desktop users.

                                                iii. Reorganizes information architecture as needed, which may include new or  consolidate pages.

                                                iv. Achieves a consistent page layout that is immediately identifiable as a U.S. government website in style and appearance.

                                                v. Includes an optimized search function.

                                                vi. Provides for a simple, short URL or web address for each piece of posted                                                       content.

                3. Visual Design

                                a. The contractor will provide:

                                                i. Creative Brief: Before any design templates are created, the contractor must                                                                 present a creative brief with wire frames, based on information learned in the                                                  planning and strategy phase that presents the new creative direction for the                                                   site.

                                                ii. Home Page Designs: The contractor will submit preliminary home page design                                               options, with at least three rounds of revisions included.

                                                iii. Interior Page Designs: The contractor will submit up to three interior page                                                      templates for the new site, with at least two rounds of revisions included for                                                     each page.

                                                iv. Style and Branding Guides: The contractor must develop a comprehensive                                                    style guide that includes website graphic design and style.

                4. Technical Build and Implementation

                                a. The new website must include:

                                                i. Pages designed to optimize the use of white space and provide a clean user interface for desktop use; visitors should be able to easily read, navigate and                                                     scan information efficiently and effectively.

                                                ii. Ability to be viewable on multiple platforms and devices (e.g., iPhone, iPad, tablets, iOS, Android, Windows, etc.); website should be scalable and adhere to the guidelines of responsive web design.

                                                iii. An open-source Content Management System (CMS) that allows the                                                                               Commission to have full control of the design and content preferred.

                                                iv. Ability to easily group information together and create a logical information axonomy (tags, categories, etc.).

                                                v. Clear and easily accessible search bar and contact form function.

                                                vi. Ability to integrate feeds from third-party content providers such as Twitter, along with an easy way for site administrators to manage these feeds.

                                                vii. Ability to schedule content to be posted at a future date.

                                                viii. Ability to back-date content as needed to migrate past content to new site.

                                b. The new website must be designed and built in compliance with relevant accessibility                                               standards.

                                c. The new website must be developed in coordination with the current website hosting services provider and address appropriate consideration of website and data security requirements.

                5. Quality Assurance Testing and Deployment

                                a. Once the fully-functioning site has been developed, the contractor must conduct website testing based on industry best practices prior to deployment of the site.

                                b. The contractor will be responsible for executing the site launch upon the approval by the Commission.

                                c. The new website must have all previous site content active and available for test run by Commission staff before the transition from the previous site is executed.

                6. Training and Troubleshooting

                                a. Prior to the site launch, the contractor will be responsible for training relevant Commission staff on the new CMS and how to maintain and update the site. The contractor will also be required to conduct ongoing maintenance on the site to troubleshoot any post-launch issues for up to three months.

                                b. Training includes the following tasks:

                                                i. Creation of a user guide.

                                                ii. In-person, one-day training with select staff on the new CMS and how to                                                        maintain and update the site.

                7. Asset Delivery

                                a. After completion of the approved project, the contractor will deliver to the Commission:

                                                i. All design files.

                                                ii. All HTML files.

                                                iii. Any other technical files related to the new website.

                                                iv. Hand over any service provider or content management system accounts and credentials required to control, run and maintain the website.

Due Date:

April 12, 2019. 


Christopher Fioravante

Director of Operations and Administration

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission

Hall of the States, Suite 602

444 North Capitol Street NW

Washington, DC 20001

Agencies with relevant experience includes Lippe Taylor and Small Girls PR.

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