UNICEF Armenia Seeks A Communications Company

UNICEF Issues Market Research RFP For Celebrities

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UNICEF Armenia is seeking a communications company to assist in creating materials in both English and Armenian surrounding the work of UNICEF in Armenia – and urge both the government, and the business world to do more for kids in Armenia. There’s no mention of the world’s most famous Armenian – Kim Kardashian – in the request for proposal.

The most important markets to encourage to help the children are policy-makers and the private sector. They seek to raise awareness regarding children’s rights to survival, growth, development, protection and participation, and more.

UNICEF the Government’s efforts and plans aimed at ensuring increased public investments in the social sectors; reducing regional disparities in access to quality services; and strengthening institutional capacities. The main project areas have been: (a) young child and adolescent heath; (b) basic education and child development; and (c) child protection.

The chosen agency will understand strategic communications skills, have a strong understanding of how to use research as well as data, understand how to communicate issues surrounding childrens rights, and have a strong editorial, research, creative and production team.

The RFP is due to UNICEF’s Yerevan office in Armenia by September 15, 2015.


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