Due Date 3/31/23 5pm PST

  1. PURPOSE This Request for Quotes and Qualification (RFQQ) is issued by the University of Washington (UW) to solicit qualifications from potential firms who have experience working with established multi-layered organizations to provide executive communication support, market research, communications strategy and implementation for the UW School of Law that align with the greater UW brand. The intent is to award to one organization to support the needs of the school.
  1. BACKGROUND The University of Washington has hired a new Dean who has been looking at increasing the reputation, rankings, and visibility of the School. To support the new Dean in her efforts and to improve the reputation, visibility and marketing of the School. We are looking to hire a Marketing and Communications firm to help with executive communications, marketing of programs, improve the visibility of our School and faculty, to support our strategic planning and working with the media in collaboration with our Dean and our marketing and communications team. The University of Washington’s current plan and associated brand efforts seek to achieve the following two outcomes:

· Business: Elevate global reputation – Be known as the law school with the greatest impact on the state of Washington and the world.

· Marketing: Instill passion – Close the perception vs. reality gap by moving people from “unaware of” or “indifferent” to “familiar with” and “having deep pride in” the UW School of Law through a compelling and distinct point of view. The School of Law on the Seattle campus align with these outcomes and has prioritized marketing and communications work with the following four goals:

  1. Attract and develop Washington’s and the world’s most promising students.

2. Increase diversity in our School and programs. 

3. Grow public and private support for the UW’s shared vision. 

4. Be a destination for world-class faculty and staff. 

5. Grow internal passion for what the University stands for. The School of Law is specifically deeply committed to creating a fair, just and vibrant society, locally and globally. We believe in the power of a high-quality legal education, not just for the benefit of the individual, but for the countless people each lawyer and legal professional will serve during their lifetimes. We serve our community and the Bench and Bar by preparing ethical, innovative, compassionate and well-trained legal professionals who are prepared to serve diverse clients by producing knowledge, fostering innovation and ensuring access to legal education. We are focused on the following strategic priorities: investing in our people; increasing access and student body diversity; prioritizing curricular coverage, innovation, and programming; enriching the student experience and alumni engagement; ensuring strategic resource alignment and maintaining global partnerships and impact.


The School of Law are seeking partners to develop a unique brand that aligns with the overarching University of Washington brand and to push the school forward by sharing it’s impact on the national and global stage. This RFQQ seeks partners to consult and support the following key areas: 

Communications strategy support

· The agency will support Dean Lawson and the communications team as they develop and continue to refine the school priorities, a strategic communications plan that supports these priorities, and Dean Lawson’s aligned messaging plan. Thought Partners 

· Act as thought partners to consider, evaluate, and develop plans around communications priorities, in both the short-and long-term. As thought partners, the agency will help surface and define the values driving decisions, detail the communication needs and implications, and question actions to ensure we’re arriving at the best outcome possible. If needed, the agency would provide issue management and crisis communications counsel. Executive communications

· Partner with Dean Lawson to create talking points, remarks, and messages that fulfill UW Law’s strategic goals for both internal and external audiences.

Media Relations 

· Agency support can augment the work University Communications does promoting UW Law’s expertise, with a focus on proactive pitching to national media and legal trades. This should include building relationships with influential journalists, offering op-ed counsel, and making recommendations for topics of expertise that can align with journalists’ interests.

· While the future influence of U.S. News rankings is uncertain, it is important that UW Law continues to develop its reputation as a national and international leader. This should include digital outreach projects that promote the school’s strengths throughout the legal community, to keep it top- of-mind for legal educators, employers, prospective students, and alumni. Social media strategy

· As the social media landscape continues to change, the agency will advise the communications team on both strategy and tactics for reaching key audiences, including prospective students and alumni. The agency will also help develop strategy for major social media campaigns. Provide industry research and resources.

· An agency should provide regular updates on changes to the media, social media, and higher education landscape to help UW Law leaders plan strategy and execution.

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