Website RFP Issued By Tillamook Bay Community College

Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) is inviting proposals from qualified web design firms for the redesign of the TBCC website.


Outcome: The TBCC website is a critically important marketing tool for the college and is key to student recruitment, student retention, donor retention, and community engagement. The Redesigned TBCC website will provide intuitive navigation and be responsive in design. It will encourage student enrollment and retention, while offering a positive stakeholder experience for all stakeholder groups. The site will integrate with the college’s academic catalog and will provide the ability to display institutional data to meet accreditation needs. Students will easily be able to locate information about academic and noncredit programs and apply to attend both as a credit and non-credit student with ease. The front page will have the capability to quickly mobilize emergency information and share news and information about events and activities, the academic calendar, and social media. The site will adhere to TBCC brand standards, meet WCAG 2.1 compliance, be SEO optimized and content will enhance the College’s reputation as a partner to the community

Scope of Work:

This RFP encompasses the redesign of the TBCC website to include architecture, infrastructure, and the migration of content to a new design to meet described outcomes. This RFP does not include content development. An in-house team will manage content development. The RFP seeks to maintain current functionality of the website and add new functionality as detailed below. The TBCC website is It is currently hosted offsite. The content management system is WordPress. The vendor selected to provide work under this RFP will work with a web redesign committee at TBCC to develop and design a new website to meet desired outcomes. The committee lead is the Executive Director of Advancement. The committee includes the Director of IT and employees from the library, business office, student services, and marketing. The future website will be managed cooperatively between the IT department and marketing department which consists of a director and coordinator for each department.


• Prospective students

• Current Students (retention)

• Alumni

• Accreditors

• Business and industry partners

• Community members

• Donors

• Compliance officers/auditor (Civil rights) Features & Capabilities

1. Intuitive navigation –

a. The site will be intuitive based on stakeholder needs and will provide the most efficient user experience possible based on website best practices for navigation.

b. The vendor will lead an analysis of the current site wireframe to ensure site structure and functionality can meet intended outcomes and address all stakeholder needs.

c. The vendor will review current analytics for the site and offer the website redesign committee recommendations for how to develop the site architecture to meet the needs of stakeholders as identified through the analytics.

d. Site must include a search tool that is easy to locate and delivers accurate results. e. Linked to the website is a student and employee portal, which is accessed by clicking MyTBCC on the front page of the website. The MyTBCC portal has public pages and password protected private pages. The public pages of the MyTBCC portal provide information that in most cases is warehoused in our enterprise resource management system (Jenzabar EX) such as an academic calendar, the current term schedule of courses, and an employee directory. This information is also maintained on We would like to eliminate the redundancy of creating the content in two places and link to the content in the portal.

2. Responsive in design –

a. The site will be responsive to a wide range of mobile devices. Demonstration of responsiveness will be required.

3. Content Management –

a. The sites will share TBCC’s small, personal and friendly persona and communicate the value of obtaining a degree, certificate or workforce training at TBCC

i. An in-house committee will screen content for migration relevance, accuracy, deletion or archive and use the analysis of the current analytics as a reference tool.

ii. Final content will deliver consistent, targeted messaging with clear calls to action throughout the site.

iii. The vendor will ensure the site is Search Engine Optimized and train the website redesign committee on how to apply and adhere to SEO standards. iv. ADA section 508 / WCAG 2.1 – 1. The vendor will audit the current site for ADA compliance and provide the website redesign committee with an analysis of deficiencies.

Due Date:

December 1


Point of contact for questions Heidi Luquette, Executive Director Advancement (503) 842-8222 ext. 1025 Please email all submissions to:

Agencies to consider include Finn Partners and Edelman PR.

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