ZipoApps / Tech talk with the entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO Gal Avidor

This month, we conducted an interview with ZipoApps co-founder and CEO Gal Avidor. We asked him about the tech market, performance innovations, and the unique technology that makes ZipoApps a company worth watching.

Gal, ZipoApps is a rapidly growing player in the field of purchasing, leveraging and optimizing of mobile apps and other digital assets; you have raised tens of millions of dollars in a relatively short time. What is the story behind your company?

We at ZipoApps have developed our own distinctive technology that helps purchase and boost digital assets such as mobile apps. ZipoApps’ unique technology enables us to run a practical and fast, yet profound analysis of mobile applications. This machine learning technology predicts the apps’ future performance. It’s like a smart tech DD that helps us assess the earning potential of an app. This way, when we spot apps that seem to match our company, we reach out to them and offer highly attractive sales offers.

Once both sides agree, it’s a win-win situation — ZipoApps grants them the opportunity to make a real exit to an asset they could only develop in a very limited way, and we use our technology and experience to optimize the apps. We have created our own metrics and tools to leverage and optimize apps performance, and by that we also boost our own revenues.

Tell me a bit about your clients.

Our clients range all the way from OMS app developers, who develop from their homes, to small-medium app developing agencies who are looking to sell their applications. We acquire mostly utility applications in order to optimize them and make them even better.

So far, how many apps have you acquired?

Numerous; I can’t share all the information, but we have some very exciting things in the pipeline. We have a long waiting list of sellers, and we are constantly getting purchase requests, yet not everyone passes our screening test and our DD, as we only choose apps that we believe in and that fit our portfolio of assets.

What can you tell me about the people behind the company?

ZipoApps was founded by 5 friends who are also serial entrepreneurs, with strong technology and business backgrounds. I myself am a veteran of the digital sector, and the other co-founders came from the IDF’s special intelligence unit and have later become large scale app developers.

Today, the segment of digital assets and the technologies supporting them is one of the most booming segments of the digital technology industry. Companies like Thrasio, Perch and Boosted are raising significant amounts of capital and are growing at a rapid pace. ZipoApps is a unique company in the field, as we specialize in acquiring under-optimized apps in an industry that is highly fragmented. We use our optimizing operations, deploy its technology, and generate cash flow from the apps. 

What was the inspiration behind establishing ZipoApps?

It’s a funny story actually; my partners and I have been in the apps development field for many years. We have a lot of experience in the distribution and monetization business, and so we know that the apps developer’s biggest challenge, after developing the app and acquiring users, is to monetize the right user at the right stage of their app experience. This is something that most developers don’t know how to do. We knew that if we developed an AI technology that knows how to do this, we would have a great competitive edge and a unique selling point. Therefore we began writing the code, and thus our digital roll-up company was born and has been growing rapidly and evolving ever since!

Even though we started the process during covid, it has been a great journey and I’m excited to see what’s in store for us.

That truly is an amazing story.
For the ones of us who don’t really know what digital assets are, could you explain a bit more?

For us, a digital asset is any kind of business that is exciting and intriguing in the internet environment, generates revenue and profit (very important, otherwise it is not an asset) and has brand value, such as e-commerce shops, mobile apps, NFT, etc.

What kinds of digital assets has your company invested in so far?

Our current focus is mobile apps, a territory in which we all have vast experience and proven capabilities at, as well as a leading edge technology. Soon we plan on entering other vertical markets and venues in which our technology will give us a strong advantage.

Sounds like a crowded place, isn’t it?

Actually, mobile apps have been growing by 50% annually, which is very exciting and the reason we started in this market in the first place. Our sourcing, evaluating, and boosting technology is very efficient in this market, we have a great competitive edge there. Furthermore, there are over 2.2 million apps currently available in Apple’s app store and 2.9 million apps available on Google Play – it’s a huge market, and a perfect fit for us.

The global mobile applications market size was valued at $106.27 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach $407.31 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 18.4% from 2019 to 2026. It’s a thrilling place to be at!

Thrilling indeed; Thank you so much for this interview Gal, I wish you and ZipoApps lots of luck! And will definitely keep following your journey.

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