The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Seeks Marketing Agency

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD” or the “Bank”) supports the economic transition to an open market economy by fostering enterprise change in small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) and developing the local consultancy market to achieve a sustainable support structure of business advisory services in its countries of operation.  In 2016, the EBRD signed an Agreement with the European Commission to provide business advice, information, training and other support to small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine under the EU4Business Initiative (the “Programme”).

Thousands of Ukrainian SMEs will benefit directly from the new assistance programme and awareness-raising activities. A Network of business support centres was established in 15 regions of Ukraine as well to facilitate awareness rising.

The Programme helps SMEs access business advice to develop their businesses and provides risk enhancement to support EBRD direct lending to SMEs in the country. Effective communications and outreach activities will form a fundamental component of ensuring the success and sustainability of the network of Business Support Centres, ensuring appropriate outreach to SMEs across the country to raise awareness of the support that is available under the programme, both through the Business Support Centres (“BSCs”) and directly from the EBRD.

Scope of Work:

The objective of this Assignment is to provide targeted capacity building and daily support in Marketing and Communication area for 15 BSCs and the EBRD, which is implementing and coordinating the Programme, to build and strengthen their outreach, services and capacity to provide high-quality support to SMEs and raise the awareness on opportunities available to businesses on the market.

The Bank now intends to engage a consultant (the “Consultant”) to provide Marketing and Communication support to the 15 BSCs and to EBRD under the Programme.

In order to discover the primary needs of SMEs that might be covered by the Programme and the most effective communication channels, market research has been conducted as a precursor to this Assignment. The data gathered serves to provide the benchmark levels to measuring the results achieved under this Assignment.

The Consultant will complete the following tasks, inter alia:

Marketing and Communications support of 15 Business Support Centres across Ukraine

  • 1.1. Increase capacity (educate) on Marketing and Communications
  • 1.2. Ensure proper understanding by the BSCs of the main communication rules with all the parties involved: SMEs, media, stakeholders, donors, EBRD, other participants of the market
  • 1.3. Ensure consistent understanding and messaging from BSCs of their role in creation of SME support infrastructure
  • 1.4. Increase visibility of the network
  • 1.5. Increase understanding of BSCs’ role by SMEs in Ukraine, as well as by all the stakeholders
  • 1.6. Increase understanding of BSCs’ role by media in Ukraine
  • 1.7. Ensure proper donor and EBRD visibility within BSC activity
  • 1.8. Ensure high quality of events conducted by the BSCs
  • 1.9. Build capacity within the Communications role for the sustainability of the Network, including in    client relations (other business processes that might influence the Marketing and Communications function) for all 15 BSCs
  • 1.10. Enhance systematic Marketing and Communications function in all areas: marketing, media, digital, event management, etc. in all BSCs
  • 1.11. Sustainable communications skills and functions embedded sustainably in the operations of the BSCs by the end of the Initiative 1.12. Produce high quality communications materials in coordination with BSCs
  • 1.13. Support the development of web-platform for BSCs in terms of Marketing and Communications
  • 1.14. Reports to EU on Communication and Visibility activities of BSC and Programme in a whole
  • 1.15. Mitigate reputational risks of the BSCs and the activities that could cause damage to the EBRD reputation
  • 2. Marketing and Communication support for EBRD activities under the programme
  • 2.1. Increase understanding and awareness on opportunities for SMEs provided by the programme among the SME target audience
  • 2.2. Increase understanding and awareness on opportunities for SMEs provided by the programme, among relevant media in Ukraine
  • 2.3. Increase understanding and awareness of the importance of business advice for business development among SMEs and media
  • 2.4. Align BSCs promo activity and EBRD ASB promo activities
  • 2.5. Ensure proper donor visibility under the programme
  • 2.6. Ensure systematic approach in communication activities
  • 2.7. Ensure high qualitative delivery of events conducted by the EBRD under the programme
  • 2.8. Provide production services to the EBRD upon request
  • 2.9. Ensure consistent and systematic level of digital communication
  • 2.10. Decreased reputational risks of the EBRD
  • 2.11. Source and agree high quality appropriate speakers for events; enhance EBRD official speakers’ delivery
  • 2.12. Ensure high quality content aligned with EBRD key messages used in all official communications
  • 2.13. Provide communication input into the development of the dedicated digital platform for EBRD ASB
  • 2.14. Support EBRD special initiatives under the programme in terms of Marketing and Communications (e.g. Business Lens)
  • 2.15. Hone relationships between EBRD Communications and offline and online media

Due Date:

October 26


Elena Kolodiy

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development One Exchange Square London EC2A 2JN

Strong finance PR firms include Finn Partners and Hill & Knowlton.

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