Lawlor Media Group & Norah Lawlor

Lawlor Media Group Shady Reputation

Lawlor Media Group

The Lawlor Media Group was founded in 2000 by Norah Lawlor and has their headquarters in New York City. According to their website, they specialize in luxury lifestyle PR.

Clients and Accolades

Their website says they represent clients in nightlife and entertainment industries, beauty, real estate, literary, retail, film, hospitality and travel, retail, and several charity benefits, foundations and philanthropists.

Of the many PR awards and organizations offering them for PR and related efforts such as the design of a campaign or techie recognition, only two current awards are listed on LMG’s website – Dan’s Papers – Best of the Best Public Relations Firm for both 2014 and 2015. If you want to apply for a job go to and keep scrolling down the page.


One final item to mention. Norah Lawlor has written a book which you can order from Amazon. The title is Manners that Matter Most: The Easy Guide to Etiquette at home and in the World (Little Book. Big Idea). In the description of what can be found in the book on the Amazon listing, it says “Etiquette is one of the most valuable assets a person can have: knowing how best to present yourself, and how to deal with others in a direct, effective manner, is paramount in all personal, professional, and social relationships. Manners That Matter Most seeks to resurrect the bygone customs of good manners and graceful style; all while updating and applying them to the modern age.”

The Lawlor Media Group owned by Norah Lawlor is one of many PR firms in New York.


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