Marketing RFP Issued By Sarasota County

Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) provides public transportation services to the County of Sarasota. These services include 27 fixed routes and demand response services for individuals with disabilities and who are transit dependent. In 2019, the Sarasota County Commissioners reviewed SCAT’s existing services and pursuant to recommendations from a transit consultant approved a new mobility network plan. The new mobility network plan calls for the County to continue to provide certain fixed route bus services and implement new, more individualized services that may be considered state of the art. As a result, the new mobility network plan will require a strong marketing and communication effort to inform the entire County about the SCAT transit system redesign and to encourage riders to utilize existing and new SCAT offerings.

Scope of Work:

A. Milestone I: Review SCAT’s new mobility network plan, perform baseline market research, identify potential markets, create a comprehensive 5-year marketing plan which includes a communications plan and develop performance measures and benchmarks. 

B. Milestone II: Identify and develop detailed tasks necessary to implement the marketing plan. Meet with appropriate County personnel to determine those tasks to be performed by the County and the timeframe to accomplish those tasks. Develop a timeline to complete all the tasks necessary to implement the marketing plan. 

C. Milestone III – VI: The Consultant shall evaluate effectiveness of plan with consideration given to previously developed performance measures and benchmarks. Next, the Consultant shall recommend changes, update the plan and develop new or revise performance measures and/or benchmarks. Develop detailed tasks necessary to continue implementation of the updated marketing plan and meet with appropriate County personnel to determine those tasks to be performed by the County and the timeframe to accomplish those tasks. Afterwards, develop a timeline to complete all the tasks necessary to implement the updated marketing plan. Conduct market research against the benchmarks and other areas. Submit methodology, questions, and crosstabulation reports.


A. Milestone I: To be completed six (6) months from issuance of Purchase Order.

B. Milestone II: Within ninety (90) days of after delivery and County acceptance of Milestone I.

C. Milestone III: One year after implementation of Milestone II.

D. Milestone IV: One year after Milestone III. 

E. Milestone V: One year after Milestone IV. 

F. Milestone VI: One year after Milestone V.


A. Milestone I: The Consultant shall complete the following:

i. Deliver results of baseline market research.

ii. Deliver draft of comprehensive marketing plan including all sections for review.

iii. Deliver draft of proposed performance measures and benchmarks for review.

iv. Present the marketing plan, to include the situational analysis, research results, and marketing strategies. There are to be three presentations which shall be made to different County staff and the Board of County Commissioners at the County’s direction. 

v. Deliver final comprehensive marketing plan, performance measures and benchmarks

a. Deliver one electronic copy and five printed copies to the County.

B. Milestone II: The Consultant shall complete the following:

i. Draft report of all tasks necessary to implement marketing plan.

a. Shall include timeframe to accomplish the tasks

b. Determine who shall perform the task (County or Consultant).

c. Estimated cost for each task that shall be performed by the Consultant.

C. Milestone III-VI: The Consultant shall complete the following:

i. Conduct annual market research against the benchmarks and other areas and deliver a report with targeted strategies to support SCAT service redesign, submitting methodology, questions and crosstabulation reports.

ii. Provide a document for review outlining the effectiveness of the marketing plan, proposed recommended changes or adjustments to the plan, and actual versus anticipated outcomes as determined by previously developed performance measures and benchmarks. 

iii. Provide an update to the marketing plan and any proposed new or revised performance measures and benchmarks.

iv. Deliver draft of detailed tasks to implement the marketing plan for the next year and required time frame to accomplish the tasks, separating the tasks to be performed by the County and tasks to be performed by the Consultant, including an estimated cost by task if those tasks are to performed by the Consultant.

Due Date:



Sarasota County, Procurement

1660 Ringling Blvd Administration Center

Sarasota FL, 34236

Relevant agencies include Finn Partners and Ruder Finn.

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