Media RFP Issued By Oregon State University


Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management is seeking Responsive Responsible Proposers to submit Proposals for a Media Buying Agency to work collaboratively with the professional staff of University Relations and Marketing to purchase paid media as an outlet for marketing communications provided by the university.


The division of University Relations and Marketing (“URM”) creates and executes clear, consistent and engaging strategies that tell the stories of OSU. By sustaining a strong brand image for the university, we promote awareness, understanding and support among OSU students, faculty, alumni, donors and other communities. Marketing, communications, and branding strategies are developed by central and other university unit in-house professional staff and are executed by in-house creative staff. The university has contracted with an outside media agency to manage the development of media strategies and to manage media buys that meet the marketing communications goals of OSU. The media agency coordinates not only the university-level buys but also supports the needs of other college and program media needs within OSU. OSU is seeking proposals for media expenditures based on an estimated minimum expected commitment of $500,000 annually. In addition to URM, other university departments with media budgets may opt to use the Contract for media buying. The scope of this possibility is unknown at this time.

Founded in 1868, Oregon State University is a comprehensive, research-extensive, public university located in Corvallis. Oregon State is one of only two American universities to hold the Land Grant, Sea Grant, Space Grant and Sun Grant designations. Oregon State is also the only Oregon institution to have earned both Carnegie Foundation classifications for Highest Research Activity and Community Engagement, a recognition of the depth and quality of its graduate education and research programs. Through its centers, institutes, Extension offices and Experiment Stations, Oregon State has a presence in all of Oregon’s 36 counties, including its main campus in Corvallis, the Hatfield Marine Sciences Center in Newport and OSU-Cascades Campus in Bend. Oregon State offers undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees through 11 academic colleges, the Honors College, Graduate School and online Ecampus, enrolling more than 31,000 students from every county in Oregon, every state in the country and more than 110 nations

Scope of Work:

The successful media buying agency will be required to provide specific services which will include the following:

Ø Media placement of print, radio, television, outdoor, transit and digital advertising as well as make recommendations for other media outlets.

Ø Monitoring of placement advertisements.

Ø Detailed assistance with billing procedures and budgeting of all expenditures.

Agency will work at the direction of University Marketing.

Projects will be determined and coordinated with agency by University Marketing. These projects could encompass numerous colleges/units within Oregon State University, all with different needs and goals. Estimated minimum budget is $500,000 per year with an anticipated contract term up to five (5) years.

4.01 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS In order to qualify as a Responsive Proposer, the Proposer needs to meet the minimum qualifications below.

a. Proposers must have a minimum of five years’ experience as a media buying agency.

b. Proposers must be located in Oregon or have significant Oregon presence to ensure an understanding of the local media and population centers.


Proposers shall also demonstrate through their background, sample work and references their expertise and experience that would allow them to manage a Contract if awarded. Proposers are to address the detail below and include as a required submittal, as called out under section

5.02. Background:

Proposers shall provide a written synopsis of their company’s qualifications, experience and expertise which qualifies their company to effectively and efficiently manage this Contract. The proposal response to this section shall specifically address the proposer’s experience managing the following:

v Television, radio, print, outdoor, transit and digital media buying in national, Oregon and West Coast markets.

v Strategic positioning.

v Diverse, multi-cultural audiences.

v Media trends/technologies (media research and innovations)

v Provide specific examples and scope of work performed including budget ranges.

Knowledge of Oregon Culture and Media Centers:

Proposers shall have a firm grasp of the effective methods of media utilization that would capture the most appropriate and widest audience for OSU. Proposers shall demonstrate that they thoroughly convey this expertise and understanding.

Sample Work:

Proposers shall demonstrate the quality of the media buys that have been provided to clients as well as the results that were realized by that client. Sample material qualifying your response to this section is requested. Demonstrate the goals, strategies and tactics used to support advertising campaigns. Also include one example of an integrated campaign. MS Word or Excel files preferred for documents delivered electronically along with the RFP response by the RFP deadline date and time listed on the cover page.

It is desirable that the samples state the:

v Budget

v Media type

v Target audience

v Geographic areas

v Reach

v Result measurements

Due Date:

April 5, 2021 (11:00 AM, PT)


Oregon State University Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management 644 SW 13th Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97333

Relevant agencies to consider include French West Vaughan and Padilla PR.

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