The Department of Health Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division (“CDPHPD”) is requesting comments and feedback on the proposed scope of work and offeror qualifications that could influence and assist in the development of a Request for Quote (“RFQ”) to obtain advertising services to develop a sugar-sweetened beverage (“SSB”) counter-marketing campaign. CDPHPD regularly conducts campaigns to communicate the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle (avoiding tobacco use, being physically active, and eating well) to prevent and manage chronic diseases. Previous campaigns include: Check Your Pressure, Choose Healthy Now, Control Asthma, COVID-19 Vulnerable Populations, Hawaii No Vape, Prepare for the 7th Grade, Prevent Diabetes, Rethink Your Drink, Start Living Healthy @ Home, and Stronger Together. 

The CDPHPD is interested in procuring services from an advertising vendor with the ability to conduct market research, develop print and digital advertisements, and recommend media placements for a statewide culturally appropriate, multi-media counter-marketing campaign. The CDPHPD is interested in receiving comments and questions from potential vendors regarding the proposed scope of work and offeror qualifications.


A. The Offeror shall develop a statewide culturally appropriate, multi-media counter-marketing campaign to reduce purchasing and consumption of SSBs, specifically fruit drinks and sports drinks, by increasing awareness among parents of young children (ages 0-8 years) about deceptive marketing tactics and negative health implications of consuming SSBs.

B. The Offeror shall provide the following services and deliverables by May 1, 2022:

1. Project planning and implementation

a) Develop a task-by-task work plan and timeline detailing the project schedule, milestones, and resource requirements, including project budget.

b) The work plan and timeline shall be approved by CDPHPD prior to implementation.

2. Market research 

a) Conduct six (6) one-hour focus group sessions with parents of young children (ages 0-8 years) from specific communities within the state, identified by CDPHPD.

i. Three (3) of the focus group sessions will explore SSB products frequently consumed by the target audience and barriers and motivations associated with beverage choices. The remaining three (3) focus group sessions will identify media use to inform advertising placements and gain reactions to proposed messaging and advertisements developed by the Offeror.

ii. Each focus group shall contain between six (6) and ten (10) participants. Qualification criteria of focus group participants, including age, gender, race/ethnicity, geographic area of residence, income, and education, will be identified by CDPHPD. 

iii. Offeror may provide incentives for participation in the focus groups at their discretion.

iv. Offeror shall accommodate CDPHPD staff viewing of focus group sessions and provide tape recordings of each focus group session.

b) Draft focus group guides and surveys for all focus groups.

c) Create proposed tag lines, messaging, and advertisements to be used in the focus group sessions.

d) Provide CDPHPD with a final report of findings and recommendations from the focus groups within two (2) weeks of completion of each round of focus group sessions.

3. Campaign ad development 

a) Utilizing feedback from the focus groups with direction from CDPHPD, develop the print and digital advertisements for the campaign.

i. Final content must be original, culturally appropriate, and aesthetically pleasing.

ii. Multiple rounds of revisions shall be accommodated until the advertisements are approved by CDPHPD.

iii. Electronic files of all products shall be provided in Adobe format, and a final package containing all fonts, assets, and design elements shall be provided to CDPHPD.

4. Media purchasing planning 

a) Utilizing media use information from the focus groups, develop a media purchasing plan identifying recommended media placements to best reach the target audience.

b) Media purchases shall be negotiated and procured by CDPHPD separate from these services and in accordance with state procurement requirements.

C. The CDPHPD shall provide: 

1. Guidance and technical assistance on all aspects of the project.

2. Sample tag lines, messaging, materials, and advertisements from pre-existing campaigns.

3. Approval of the workplan, timeline, focus group guides and surveys, and campaign ads.


Interested individuals/agencies capable of providing these professional services are encouraged to respond to this RFI. Written comments and information should be submitted by e-mail The deadline for responding to this RFI is Friday, January 21, 2022 at 2:00 pm Hawaii Standard Time (HST).

Please direct inquires and comments to:

Gail Ogawa

Hawaii Department of Health

Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division

1250 Punchbowl Street, Rm 422

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


Agencies to consider include Magrino PR and Edelman PR.

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