Afghanistan Social Media RFP Issued

Afghanistan Social Media RFP Issued

Internews invites research organizations to submit proposals for conducting a study on the usage/consumption and perceptions as well as engagement, with online and social media in Afghanistan. An award from Counterpart International Inc. funds Internews’ activities under a cooperative agreement from the US Agency for International Development (Award No. AID-306-A-14-00001). The contract issued under this RFP will fund an informative and innovative research project that is designed to improve knowledge and understanding of the role and influence of social media among Afghans citizens.

Scope of Work

Internews invites research organizations to submit proposals to conduct research and produce a report on how a diverse range of Afghan citizens engage with and consume social media.
The report should include the following:

  1. Study on the Social media landscape – identify the most popular and influential social media networks used by Afghans in Kabul and the provinces
  2. Analysis of social media consumption and perceptions – analyze social  media penetration and consumption patterns by age group, rural or urban and levels of education, with some focus on the most active users, the purpose and their usage of social media as well as their perceptions of its value and relevance
  3. Analysis of social media content – analyze the content, patterns and influencers through a comprehensive tracking of the main channels & streams for the main social media identified in the research. This should include an identification of the main actors and topics generating the largest engagement, and a comprehensive analysis of sharing patterns

The final report should be based on a minimum survey sample of 1000 interviews, with adequate geographic and ethnic representation and utilizing qualitative, quantitative and data mining research tools. The research team shall focus on all aspects of the information experience and needs of selected Afghan communities, but will pay particular attention to ethnicity, women and gender.

The final report should provide information and insight on how Afghan citizens use social media, and their perceptions of the value and relevance of the content and platforms they engage with. The report will also include findings on how the media, government and CSO’s use and engage with social media and online platforms.


  • Detailed research and logistics plan and timeline
  • Inception Report with detailed research framework and evaluation plan
  • Technical Report based on fieldwork experience
  • Draft preliminary report based on fieldwork analysis including transcripts and demographic data in English
  • Final Report synthesizing key findings from all aspects of the research and recommendations
  • Presentation Deck summarizing key points and featuring illustrative visuals

Proposal due by April 8 2017 to:

Internews – Washington DC
Programs, Communications and Development
1133 Fifteenth Street, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20005
PHONE: +1 202 833-5740
TOLL FREE: +1 877 347-1522

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