Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Seeks Branding Company

Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Seeks Branding Company

Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Seeks Branding Company

The purpose of this solicitation is to request proposals from qualified companies to provide branding and customer education services for the Atlanta region Transit Link Authority (the “ATL”).

On March 29, 2018, the Georgia Legislature passed House Bill 930 (“HB 930”), which created The Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (the “ATL”). The ATL was created as a new regional governance and funding structure, to improve coordination, integration, and efficiency of transit in metro Atlanta. The ATL has two core activities: 1) developing and maintaining a regional transit plan encompassing all transit projects and initiatives; and 2) oversight of all federal and state transit funds in the region.

HB 930 creates a 16 member board for the new ATL. The bill authorizes two appointees from the Lt. Governor, two appointees from the Speaker of the House, the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation as non-voting board member, and one appointee by the Governor (who will serve as the chair of the board). The remaining 10 board seats shall be selected through a statutorily prescribed election process with each of the remaining 10 board positions chosen to represent one of 10 different “Transit Districts” that collectively cover a 13-county metro-Atlanta region. The initial slate of ATL Board members, according to HB 930, are to be elected no later than December 1, 2018. HB 930 also defines Metro Atlanta as a 13-county region, requires the creation and maintenance of a Regional Transit Plan encompassing all transit projects and initiatives across the region, and creates access to new transit funding mechanisms for projects and activities occurring within the region, as well as planning for regional unified branding.

Currently there are five (5) public agency fixed route operators, operating six (6) separately branded fixed route transit services in various geographic locations within the 13-county region.

Additionally there are at least 5 other public agency demand-response transit services operating in the 13-county jurisdiction of the ATL and two major vanpool programs.

Finally, CobbLinc, GCT, MARTA and Xpress all accept the regional fare payment system operated by MARTA known and branded as, “Breeze.”

Scope of Work:

The following scope of work outlines the tasks associated with the ATL’s desire to develop and implement regional branding, including an ATL logo and an overall branding strategy.

Task 1-Branding

Fixed-route transit services within the ATL region have been provided by MARTA, GRTA/SRTA, CATS, GCT and CobbLinc. With the ATL’s creation the legislative intent behind HB 930 is to create unified branding that will apply to and be used by all transit within the region. Further, HB 930, specifically requires that after January 1, 2019 new MARTA assets greater than $250,000 must prominently display the ATL logo and brand. This is a time of change and growth for regional transit services and there is a strong need to market the “new” ATL network of meshed transit services and manage communications around the change that is underway. As a newly created State authority, the ATL needs to define and establish its brand. The successful Proposer shall develop a brand identity for the ATL with a unified and cohesive branding approach that will positively resonate with a variety of stakeholders and that will provide a path for the region to consistently use this branding.

The successful Proposer shall:

  1. Develop a brand platform for the ATL, including positioning, personality, promise, differentiation and value proposition;
  2. Develop a comprehensive brand strategy, including brand architecture, for a multi-faceted brand that addresses relationships between regional transit partners, agencies and operators; naming conventions; various transit modes; and, service/program brand groupings;
  3. Create the brand identity, including naming, logo design, brand identity standards/guidelines/systems;
  4. Develop graphic standards for future use and management by ATL’s in-house staff, as well rules/guidelines for how these standards may be used by tranit operators within the region as well as other third parties;
  5. Conduct a focus group session(s) with key transit agencies;
  6. Develop a strategy to gain organizational and regional consensus for the brand’s position;
  7. Develop measures that will be used to determine whether the branding effort is successful.


  • Project kick-off meeting
  • Findings summary and brand strategy options
  • Five (5) logos for review and approval by ATL staff leadership (with top 2 for review and final approval by ATL Board)
  • Focus Group Report
  • Graphic standards and style guidelines, templates (e.g. PowerPoint, digital and hardcopy letterhead, etc.), and usage examples for e-branding, social media, presentations, etc.
  • Conceptual drawings, displays and depictions of how the logo and graphic standards may be utilized by the multiple transit agencies and operators across various transit modes and other typical transit collateral (e.g. schedules, maps, fare media, etc.)

Task 2-Plan Development

The successful Proposer will develop a plan for adoption and use of the final ATL branding by the fixed route operators within the region including suggested design, rules and guidelines for how the ATL branding should be implemented given the current state of multiple brands and logos currently in use throughout the region.


  • Comprehensive strategic branding plan with measurable strategies

o Must include a plan for maintenance and consistency of brand image and messaging across the multiple transit agencies, operators and modes within the region

o Must provide suitable flexibility for the various target audiences

  • Social media plan with recommended platforms, usernames, content and schedule

Task 3-Implementation

The successful Proposer will provide oversight and technical assistance in the format, layout, digital and hardcopy reproduction of collateral materials. Such collateral materials include, but are not limited to:

  • ATL website which utilizes a content management system and provides for search engine optimization
  • Public outreach materials
  • Media Kit
  • Corporate information packets
  • Advertising media
  • Vehicle graphics
  • Radio ad scripts
  • Video production for social media and 30 second spots
  • Promotional programs
  • Business stationary-letterhead (including digital stationary-letterhead), business cards, folders, blank note cards
  • Slide deck templates using Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Other collateral identified and approved in the branding plan

All collateral materials shall be provided in native, editable, PC-compatible formats, including, but not limited to .ai., .eps., psd., .indd, .jpeg, .pdf, .pptx and .doc.

The successful Proposer will develop an actionable plan for the implementation of the brand. The Action Plan shall include, at minimum:

  • Estimated costs/budget associated with the implementation process
  • Proposed timelines for the development of creative elements
  • Recommended positions logo and brand guidelines
  • Implementation plans for brand identity applications and brand identity maintenance plan

Task 4-Public Education and Awareness (OPTIONAL)

At the discretion of the ATL, the successful Proposer may be asked to develop and implement public education campaigns to support the ATL and to measure the effectiveness of the campaigns implemented. The services required include, but are not limited to:

  • Identify target audiences;
  • Develop public education/outreach strategies as needed for reaching identified audiences;
  • Implement public education/outreach campaigns;
  • Develop education and outreach materials;
  • Calculate the number of impressions made during each campaign;
  • Survey audiences pre and post-campaign to measure the effectiveness of outreach efforts

Due Date:

September 7th



Leanna Jordan Pierre, Procurement Manager/Legal Associate

245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

PR firms who could be a fit include Rubenstein PR and Dukas Linden.

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