EPR Staff

Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy Seeks Digital Marketing
PR News

United Nations Media Monitoring RFP

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued a media monitoring RFP.  They seek someone able to perform following tasks: monitoring,

Entertainment PR

NBC faces conflict of interest accusations

In the early days of his campaign, reporters were actually worried about Donald Trump still appearing on The Apprentice as his campaign continued. He quickly

Edelman PR

Careers at Edelman PR

Edelman’s is the largest privately-held PR firm in the world, employing approximately 6,000 people, in 65+ offices spread over 26 countries. That being the case, there’s

Will the NFL dump Thursday football?

All season people have been lamenting the poor ratings generated by the National Football League live broadcasts. The excuses for this downturn have been legion.