Best Summer Beach Reading for PR Pros

beach reading

beach reading

Just in time for the long summer days, you’ll be kicking back and enjoying a good book. We have several great books to increase your PR skills and impact. Let’s get right to them.

Spin by Michael Sitrick

Read Spin, and if you like it pre-order his new book coming out in 2016 called Spin Faster. Michael Sitrick’s career is all about crisis management for those in the public eye. If something goes really wrong (or is about to), he’s the guy you want working to get you out of the danger zone. No matter what area of PR you feel is your specialty, if you work in this business, eventually you’ll need to do some crisis management. Read the book now and make sure you know what to do to help your clients – or your own business.

Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans by Peter Shankman

Shankman has mastered the art of teaching his clients how to increase their branding and market with customer raves about their products and services. In Shankman’s new book released earlier this year, he shares insights on how to make this happen. And this book will have you laughing a lot too – which makes it a great beach read. Nothing staid or stodgy here. Just a fun way of learning all about how to help your clients and your firm devour their markets.

Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising by Ryan Holiday

Holiday teaches about using the various social media platforms to increase brand awareness and marketing with minimal cost – even for large companies like American Apparel, as well as best-selling authors and multiplatinum musicians. In a world where social media is becoming one of the major components of PR, you’ll get a lot of valuable insights and information from this beach-worthy book.

The PR Masterclass: How to Develop a Public Relations Strategy that Works by Alex Singleton

Here you can learn how to use your media strategy with maximum effect for your activities, products, and business. Singleton has been at both the media side and the PR side of the equation and presents practical guidance to placing your PR efforts in the media.

For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations by Ronn Torossian

If you are looking for a book about theory and esoteric ideas – this is NOT it. This book by 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian, is all about the story. And, as you know, telling the story is what you need to do every time if you want to move your efforts forward. It is also about giving you real life examples of how the principals work or don’t and how to make them work for you. Read it, mark it up, keep it handy for quick reference on how to handle situations as they arise.

Now, head to the library or your online bookseller to order a few of these so you’ll be well-stocked and ready. You may want a hard copy of some of these books for easy reference in the future.

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