Due to our limited resources, it is essential that we effectively and efficiently align our efforts to achieve our goals. Our priority is to focus on the teaching and learning processes that are proven through research and data to be successful with our diverse student population. We also understand that we must have a long-range plan for ambitious improvement and rapid transformation – a strategic plan guiding both our thinking and actions. To accomplish this, a Strategic Planning Steering Committee was formed with members from throughout our community; all of whom worked diligently to develop a plan for the future of our district. Our plan, entitled “Six Goals for Greatness” is included below.
1. Goal 1: High Academic Achievement – Prepare all students for global citizenship and success at the university level as well as in the career field of their choice.
2. Goal 2: Healthy Organization Culture: Create an organizational culture that is reflective, nurturing of all students and staff, transparent, results oriented and continuously improving.
3. Goal 3: Human Capital Strategy – Recruit, retain, develop and support a diverse high quality staff that is fully committed to Battle Creek Public Schools, its students and families. 4. Goal 4: Effective and Efficient Use of Resources – Ensure a balanced budget each year that prioritizes and fully funds the academic work outlined in this strategic plan.
5. Goal 5: Active Partnerships with Our Community Strengthen – partnerships with students and families, community and businesses and increase collaboration to support student achievement.
6. Goal 6: World Class Infrastructure – Develop and sustain state of the art, efficient, safe and welcoming infrastructures that have a positive impact on the broader Battle Creek community.
Famously referred to as “Cereal City”, Battle Creek Michigan is home to Battle Creek Public Schools (BCPS). Although relatively small in terms of enrollment for a medium-sized district, the district has a number of demographics and academic disparities that mirror those of large urban areas. With a little over 4,500 students enrolled in three PK-2nd grade buildings, two 3rd through 5th grade buildings, two PK through 5th grade buildings, three middle schools (grades 6-8), and two high schools, the challenges associated with larger urban environments are very present in BCPS. More than 70% of the student population qualifies for free/reduced lunch; over 50% of the students represent minority groups; and more than half of the students live in single-parent or no-parent households. Add to this the fact that truancy is over five times higher for students in the Battle Creek Public Schools than neighboring districts, and it is easy to see that barriers exist. Although challenges exist, our priority is to focus on the teaching and learning processes that are proven through research and data to be successful with our diverse student population. To accomplish this task, we seek to implement a long-range plan for ambitious improvement and rapid transformation; aligned to our strategic plan that will guide both our thinking and actions while also aligning with our commitment to providing each and every one of the students we serve with a world-class college, career and culture ready education.
The modern renovations of Battle Creek Central High School provided our students with a beautiful, updated building. However, the current design of the stairs, halls, and common areas are beige and very sterile. There are virtually no strategic elements of design or decor to engage the students, and almost no indication that you are within BCCHS Career Academies. The overall impact is very institutional and bland. Fremont International Academy is working hard to develop a vibrant, welcoming building culture as an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Candidate School. Students engage in Spanish instruction daily, and cultures from across the globe are celebrated. While the building was repainted and refurnished during the reopening process, the building does not reflect the culture of the school. The walls are plain and blank, signage is in English only, and there is nothing to distinguish Fremont from any other school. We are seeking a partner to create and install thematic-based design elements throughout Battle Creek Central High School and Fremont International Academy. Much like the work already completed at BC STEM Innovation Center, these elements will be crafted to create a sense of energy and engagement for all who enter these schools. An intentional focus will also be made to build the brand of BCCHS Career Academies and Fremont International Academy throughout the space and establish a sense of identity for the schools.
Scope of Work:
BCPS Innovative Programming Facilities Branding: BCPS has implemented innovative learning centers across the district to improve student achievement, increase engagement, and increase student achievement. The buildings which house these innovations in learning need to welcome our students into an engaging learning experience. To support a positive culture and increase our students’ and families’ feelings of excitement and belonging when entering our innovative learning centers, we are seeking intentional design elements installed on the walls and hallways in Battle Creek Central High School (BCCHS) and Fremont International Academy. For BCCHS, this work will center around the Career Academies and the 8 pathways available to students through the BCCHS Career Academies. At Fremont International Academy, the work will center around celebration of world cultures and international-mindedness, incorporating both English and Spanish language.
Given the collaborative nature of the contractual work, all applicants must have demonstrated ability to work seamlessly with teams to identify and leverage knowledge and resources. This section details the submission documents that are expected to be transmitted by the applicant to BCPS in response to this RFP. The submission will become the basis on which BCPS will judge the applicant’s ability to perform the required services as laid out in the RFP. The proposal must communicate an understanding of the scope and deliverables of the RFP describe how the tasks are to be performed and identify potential problems in meeting the deliverables as well as methods to identify and solve such problems.
A proposal response to this RFP should contain three components as outlined below. Please note that proposals will be scored on each of the sections with a maximum possible amount of points being 100. If there are any conflicts, the proposal will be rejected without scoring. This proposal must not exceed 25 double-spaced pages using [Arial or Calibri], 12 point font. It may contain digital links to work samples. Please provide an electronic copy to the provided email address as stated on the cover letter.
Phase 1:
All interested vendors will be invited and scheduled to participate in a Live Zoom Question and Answer Session on Wednesday, February 3rd at 10:00 a.m. EST. More detailed information and the Zoom link will be sent to vendors after their interest email has been submitted. The session will be recorded and shared with all vendors who submitted letters of interest.
Phase 2:
The proposal submitted in response to this RFP must include the following documents:
1.Technical Proposal (50 points): Organize and label the sections accordingly
A. Cover Page: including company name, contact information, company biography and proposal summary, signed by the respondent.
B. Project Narrative Plan: communicates vision, a logic model, commitment to scope and overall timeline, proposed project plan/schedule, and approach to project management;
C. A two-phase facilities branding plan that is clear, addresses the services required of this RFP and provides rationale addressing industry best practices and methodologies; proposed concept designs; an internal facility signage audit to ensure door sign replacement meets ADA compliance and signage needs for each facility; and description and dates of deliverables throughout the process.
○ Phase 1: Scope and sequence of all work to be completed and billed prior to June 30, 2021
○ Phase 2: Scope and sequence of all work to be completed and billed after July 1, 2021
D. Organizational Capacity: Resumes and/or summary biographies of the key personnel with detailed description of their roles related to the work; description of any subcontractors and their work, including but not limited to resumes and/or summary biographies. Digital links to full resumes may be included in the proposal.
E. Equipment: detailed description of equipment required for the project.
F. Related Project Experience: Evidence of successful completion of projects of similar size, scope, and complexity, including demonstration of ability to work collaboratively with client teams and other vendors, experience with educational contracts preferred and should be highlighted.
G. Recommendations: Two professional references/letters of recommendation from two current clients (i.e. references for whom the vendor has performed work within the past 12 months). Organization name and primary contact’s information must be provided (phone number and email address).
2. Cost Proposal (20 points):
The Financial Criteria portion of the RFP will be scored based upon the itemized list of estimated expenses and the grand total, with points awarded based on cost efficiency. Provide a cost proposal (both chart and narrative) that addresses proposed annual costs by fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, for the timeframe.
The costs should be broken out by Phase 1 (prior to June 30, 2021) and Phase 2 (after July 1, 2021) , as well as include the following components:
● Salaries, wages, and benefits;
● Consultant fees;
● External contracts;
● Travel;
● Equipment, materials, and supplies;
● Any match you may be willing to offer the project; and
● Other.
3. Work Sample (30 points):
At least three samples of relevant facilities branding work; assets and branding for educational organizations preferred. Work samples should demonstrate the following:
● Experience with K-12 educational programs
● Appeal to audience of students and families
● Ability to comply with ADA and safety regulations in a visually appealing manner Please Note:
● Responses must follow the prescribed format to be considered complete and considered for this RFP.
● The cover page must be signed by the respondent.
● Proposals should be prepared simply and economically.
● Any proprietary material submitted with the proposal that is considered confidential by the bidder must specifically be identified as such.
● BCPS reserves the right to accept or reject responses to this RFP at its sole discretion.
● The selected vendor’s proposal will be presented to the Battle Creek Public Schools Board of Education for approval. The award of the contract will only occur at the approval of our Board of Education.
● BCPS’s decision is final with respect to the awarding of this Contract.
Proposal Submission
Email electronic copies of the proposals and work samples to Carrie Briggs at cbriggs@battlecreekpublicschools.org Please label clearly and submit each of the documents and work samples separately.
The proposal and work samples must be received by February 26, 2021 by 4:00 PM. If submitting hard copies, please ensure each of the documents and work samples are enclosed in separate envelopes that are clearly labeled. A print version may be US Mailed or delivered to: ATTN: Carrie Briggs Battle Creek Public Schools Administration Building 3 Van Buren West Battle Creek, MI 49017
Due Date:
February 24
Carrie Briggs, District Transformation Project Managercbriggs@battlecreekpublicschools.org
Battle Creek Public Schools Administration Building 3 Van Buren West Battle Creek, MI 49017
Agencies to consider include Magrino PR and Hunter PR.