RFP NUMBER: CSUB-RFP-00000350-2023

TITLE: EEGO Paid Digital Marketing Partner

ISSUE DATE: January 24, 2023

Due Date: March 1, 2023

Scope of Work/Services

This RFP does not cover every program in our portfolio. The programs this proposal will

support are as follows:

  • Online Bachelor of Communications
  • Online Bachelors of Sociology
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Master of Social Work at Antelope Valley
  • Online M.A. in Education – Curriculum and Instruction
  • Online M.S. in Kinesiology
  • Online M.S. in Administration
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies Certificate
  • Human Resource Management Certificate (online)
  • Occupational Safety and Risk Management (online)
  • Pharmacy Technician Certificate
  • Project Management Certificate (online)
  • Workers’ Compensation Law Certificate
  • Summer Session
  • Winter Session

The awarded vendor will assist the us in our digital marketing efforts through creative,

targeting, placement, overall campaign strategy and best practices for all digital campaigns,

analytics and reports, market research, as well as keeping us up to date on current and

emerging digital trends.

The awarded vendor will provide the following services:

  • Google PPC and display advertising (keywords plus display plus retargeting demographic, contextual, interest and behavioral targeting)
  • Paid social ad creation and placement on the following platforms:
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok

The awarded vendor will produce all creative (text ads, display, video, etc.) in support of various campaigns with review and approval by EEGO We will provide existing assets (such as program-specific photos, videos, logos, fonts, etc.) and support the awarded vendor with sourcing new assets as needed.

The awarded vendor will provide market research support and competitive advertising analysis with budget recommendations including information on future changes and current performance.

The awarded vendor must at a minimum, participate in monthly calls which include status updates, performance reports and to address questions. The awarded vendor will provide recommendations and consultation for the most effective and cost-efficient approach to meet the program goals which include increasing qualified lead generation, applicants, and enrollments.

The awarded vendor must have access to and use of the most current media research throughout the contract period.

The awarded vendor must provide a dashboard, media tracking platform or reports which allows us to monitor campaigns in real time. Additionally, the awarded vendor will assist us with closing the attribution loop via Google Analytics and our marketing CRM, Anthology.

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