Camp Bowie District is seeking the services of a full-service firm, to develop and execute a comprehensive integrated economic development and marketing plan. The purpose of the strategic and marketing plan is to position the area on the path toward a resilient economy by casting the vision that the CBD, the City of Fort Worth and its partners can coalesce around and act upon to drive investment and growth in the area. The firm selected will; foster relationships with property owners, develop a vision for the future growth of CBD (PID 19), create a marketing campaign to attract businesses to expand and open in Camp Bowie properties, develop a plan to advertise the Blvd is open for business post COVID-19.
For 20 years Camp Bowie District Inc. has advocated and preserved on behalf of Camp Bowie Boulevard and its surrounding areas. Camp Bowie District (CBD) is contracted with the City of Fort Worth as the manager of Public Improvement District No. 19 (PID 19), which is funded through special assessments on the commercial properties fronting Camp Bowie Boulevard as well as secondary streets identified within the PID boundaries. In addition, CBD’s efforts and initiatives include the promotion, advancement and education provided to it members, customers and residents of the immediate areas. Today, PID 19 extends from University to Lackland Road and includes portions of West 7th Street, Byers, and Lovell.
Mission – Camp Bowie District’s mission is to maintain and enhance the commercial corridor known as Camp Bowie District, and to encourage economic success for its merchants and businesses, providing a thriving and sustainable district. To ultimately benefit its members, CBD maintains four pillars, or goals for the district: Clean, Green, Safe, and Advocacy.
CBD is committed to keeping a clean environment for all its property owners, businesses and customers. We have contracted an independent landscaping company to maintain the beauty of the district to ensure The Boulevard and many of its public spaces are maintained and kept up. Our liter abatement team also works weekly to keep the Boulevard a trash free zone.
The medians and public right-of-ways are maintained and preserved year round. In each of the segments you will find trees and/or rose bushes filling the center medians. Camp Bowie District works with the City of Fort Worth and TXDoT to maintain the upkeep of these areas and to add beauty through capital improvement projects.
Creating a safe environment for business to thrive is a priority to the organization. CBD is committed to providing additional security sweeps and working with Fort Worth Police to troubleshoot problem areas. Each week off-duty patrol shifts are paid for by CBD to provide additional coverage to the 6-mile stretch.
CBD is here for the businesses and merchants who reside in CBD. We want to unify our resources and be a voice on their behalf. Marketing initiatives and publicity are a focus of the organization, and helping them promote their businesses on The Boulevard is our goal. We are creating a voice through social media, public relations and digital outreach. Follow us as we continue to advocate for those on
Scope of Work:
Tasks include but may not be limited to the following criteria:
Research & Assessment
o Conduct market research.
o Evaluate the following:
▪ Visual identity
▪ Messaging
▪ Existing tenants and partners
▪ Digital presence on social media and website.
▪ Properties and features of area
o Develop an analysis of the area’s economy and audiences
o Develop a focused plan that emphasizes implementable strategies for growing the economic base
Timeline and Implementation
o Assess and analyze all collected data and materials to further develop brand positioning and messaging.
o Deliver a report of key findings and recommendations, including a strategic assessment of messages to continue, refine or discontinue
o Develop a strategic plan for implementation
o Develop creative artwork
o Ensure all messaging is in line with all tenants and stakeholders’ sentiments
o Develop presentation to use in ambassador training sessions and beyond
o Develop a multi-faceted action plan, charting a year’s worth of activation for the brand and messaging. Prepare the plan to extend 2 years.
III. Anticipated Selection Schedule
The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:
▪ Request for RFP: May 1, 2020
▪ Deadline for bidders to submit questions (By email only): May 11, 2020
▪ Deadline for bidders to submit proposal: May 18, 2020
▪ Selection of top bidder & notification to unsuccessful bidders: May 29, 2020
▪ Contract start: June 1, 2020
IV. Time & Place of Submission of Proposals
The RFP will be posted on CampBowieDistrict.com, and can be downloaded from there directly as of 9 AM on May 1, 2020. Respondents to this RFP must submit one original and five copies of their proposal. Responses must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., May 18, 2020. Responses should be clearly marked “RFP-Camp Bowie District Economic Development and Marketing Services” and emailed, mailed, or delivered to the contact person listed above.
V. Timeline of Project
Camp Bowie District is an ongoing project where the timeline of implantation will need to be evaluated. The chosen marketing firm will deliver a 6-month plan and implementation, deliver a 1 and 24 month forecast, and identify a start date for a marketing schedule
VI. Elements of Proposal
A submission must include the following elements:
o Brief executive overview
• Description of the marketing firm that includes a general overview, names, qualifications and credentials of the creative and strategic team, and the number of full-time employees.
• Description of noteworthy achievements, and how the business is run and operated.
o A one-page narrative outlining the firm’s strengths and distinguishing skills as they relate to Camp Bowie District as an organization.
o A representative selection of social media schedules and ads, direct response material, collateral, and website development created for current and past clients.
o Relevant information
• If any, proposers may include relevant company brochures, published articles, abstracts, creatives, etc.
o 3-5 business or client references to the firm, with contact information.
o Proposed budget for scope of work for year one of implementation, and projected budget for year three, and year five of work. VII. Proposal Format Requirements
o Each copy of the proposal shall be submitted in a 3-ring binder.
o Proposal text shall be typed in font no smaller than 10 point, and on 8.5-inch by 11-inch paper, with one-inch margins. Proposals must be single sided and double spaced for the entire submitted document.
o All proposals must include a table of contents, and uniquely numerical numbered for easy reference. VIII. Evaluation Criteria Each firm’s proposal must meet the following criteria:
o Have been operating continuously as an agency for a minimum of five years and possess fullservice, in-house capabilities for marketing, creative services, production, media planning and placement, direct response and research.
o The expertise of the firm in working with similar customers.
o The competitive cost of services.
Compliance with Scope of Work (40 Points)
This category is evaluated based on:
• Qualifications all consultants at the firm, and the qualifications and experience of assigned staffing for this work.
• Workload distribution regarding assigned tasks.
• Experience with similar Public Relations consulting services.
• Responsiveness and completeness of the response to RFP.
• Local sub-contractors or contractors involved in the work.
Management (30 Points)
This category is evaluated based on:
• Experience of contractor team in preforming similar work,
• Plans for managing the scope of work requirements.
• Rationale for assignment of roles and personnel .
Price (30 Points)
This category is evaluated based on:
• The price will be evaluated based on the overall scope of work and estimated cost using the proposed rates.
Due Date:
May 28
4731 Camp Bowie Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Relevant agencies include APCO Worldwide and Zeno Group.