Creative Services


CATIE is developing a series of video assets to disseminate some key messages about hepatitis C to immigrants and newcomers living in Ontario. These messages include 1) immigrants coming from high prevalence countries may be at risk and should be tested 2) that newer hepatitis C treatments are highly effective, short in duration and are now available through public and private drug plans. The primary asset will be a four- to five-minute video in English featuring intergenerational pairs of family members from each of the four target immigrant communities of the campaign. Each pair will predominantly speak in English, with some limited discussion in their family’s first language (Mandarin, Punjabi, Urdu or Filipino). The format will follow the same unscripted interview video style popularized by Buzzfeed and present in our previous “Can’t Pass It On” campaign. Cut-down videos would be prepared for each language, of 20 to 30 seconds each, to be shared online and potentially broadcast through television spots. The creative services consultant will coordinate all aspects of creative production, including casting, interviews with participants in English, Mandarin, Punjabi, Urdu and Filipino, set design and props, editing and finishing.


CATIE strengthens Canada’s response to HIV and hepatitis C by bridging research and practice. We connect healthcare and community-based service providers with the latest science, and promote good practices for prevention and treatment programs. As Canada’s official knowledge broker for HIV and hepatitis C, you can count on us for up-to-date, accurate and unbiased information.

Scope of Work:


1. To produce a four- to five-minute video predominantly in English featuring intergenerational pairs of immigrant and newcomer family members from Chinese, Punjabi, Filipino and Pakistani communities living in Ontario.

2. To produce cut down versions of the primary video asset with predominantly Mandarin, Punjabi, Urdu and Tagalog dialogue.


1. Develop a question guide/script for video interviews in consultation with CATIE.

2. Coordinate and secure casting with outreach support from CATIE.

3. Arrange set design and props, and deliver video shoots.

4. Develop a rough cut of videos for review and consultation.

5. Edit and finish four- to five-minute video and at least four in-language cutdown videos.

6. Other activities as proposed by the consultant.

Applicant Criteria

CATIE will contract a consultant with the experience of delivering similar Buzzfeed style social media video projects. Experience of working on multilingual projects for immigrant communities would be an asset. We ask that you supply the following information within your proposal to verify this:

· A brief description of your consultancy, including the full range of your services. Please include examples of video production services you have provided for other clients especially non-profits or targeting immigrant communities.

· Three references of clients that are similar to CATIE in size, mandate or requirements, indicating the nature and scope of the work you completed for them and the dates of the projects.

· Any relevant promotional materials for your consultancy.

Evaluation Process

After conducting an initial technical review to verify applicant eligibility and proposal completion, CATIE will conduct an evaluation of proposals against a set of predetermined criteria. The contract will be awarded to the bidder determined to offer the best value.

Due Date:

4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, October 16, 2020

Address: as            

Agencies to consider includes Ruder Finn and Magrino PR.

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