Citizens for Modern Transit Issues Public Relations RFP

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) in partnership with the St. Clair County Transit District is requesting the services of a consulting public relations firm to perform the described professional services for the project included on the attached list.
Three decades ago CMT began its mission to introduce MetroLink to the St. Louis metropolitan area. Since its opening in 1993, ridership has exceeded expectations with an average of 66,000 people choosing MetroLink each day during summer months. What’s more, because of MetroLink integration with the bus system, St. Louisans once again have a public transit system competitive with automobile travel. CMT members have played key roles in the passage of funding measures for the expansion of MetroLink and other transportation improvements in the region. Our mission does not stop here but reaches far beyond the scope of the MetroLink expansion debate to rebuilding the St. Louis City, County, and Illinois neighborhoods by investing in rail transit. Rail transit is not just a way to move from point A to B but a means to energize and revitalize existing communities. In 2011, CMT official mission was changed to:
CMT leads efforts for an integrated, affordable, and convenient public transportation system with light rail expansion as the critical component that will drive economic growth to improve quality of life in the St. Louis region.
Over the years, CMT has received many awards. View KUDOS & AWARDS Citizens for Modern Transit is located at 911 Washington, Ste. 200, St. Louis, MO 63101. 314.231.7272.
Scope of Work:
CMT in partnership with St. Clair County Transit District is undertaking a two-year education campaign, which will including launch of new programming, partnership collaboration and rider/community engagement. CMT is seeking a firm to assist with these efforts in planning, executing and promoting these events and messaging items.
The programs would include Social marketing; email outreach; promotional events; transit advertising, website promotions, and outreach will all be used to connect with St. Clair County residents and employers. The goal would be to reach the target market at least three to six times over the time period – moving them into action.
The following criteria will be the basis for selection. All proposals submitted in response to a CMT request for proposal (RFP) will initially be evaluated using the following criteria (each weighted equally):
1. Qualifications of person/firm conducting the work
2. Proposal Quality
3. Product samples – samples provided and/or on firm website need to be relevant to work being asked to be completed. Once the proposals are narrowed down to the top candidates using these criteria, the final selection will be determined with consideration to price and the above criteria. The proposal providing the best value to the project will be selected.
Due Date:
November 18
Citizens for Modern Transit
911 Washington, Ste. 200,
St. Louis, MO 63101
Relevant agencies include Headline Media and Alison Brod PR.