The City of Burlington seeks a registered lobbyist to represent the city before and serve as its legislative liaison to the Vermont State Legislature for the 2020 legislative session.
Welcome to Burlington. We are a celebrated, vibrant, small city located on the eastern shoreline of Lake Champlain. Burlingtonians are diverse, forward-thinking citizens, surrounded by scenic beauty and recreational opportunities. We are steeped in arts and culture, and are engaged in the growth of our economy. Whether you are living in Burlington, relocating here, planning a visit, or want to grow your business or bring it to Burlington, we are glad you have found us. Let us know how we can best serve you
Scope of Work:
The legislative liaison will be expected to:
– Work with the Mayor, his office, the City Attorney, and any other city representatives identified by the Mayor to
a. Determine the city’s legislative priorities;
b. Discuss and develop legislation the city may wish to affirmatively pursue;
c. Monitor legislation that may be of interest to or affect the interests of the city by attending appropriate committee meetings and hearings, meeting with individual legislators, and communicating with appropriate city staff;
d. Coordinate testimony by city staff before the legislature; and
e. Develop strategy for and assist in accomplishing the city’s priorities and representing the city’s interests;
– Coordinate communication between the city and Burlington’s legislative delegation, preferably on a weekly basis during the session;
– Communicate clearly with the city through periodic written summaries and oral reports as requested, on at least a weekly basis;
– Attend committee meetings and hearings, sessions of the General Assembly, and individual meetings with legislators as required to monitor legislation of interest to the city and to keep the city informed of legislative considerations;
– Meet with representatives of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, the Mayors’ Coalition, the appropriate executive branch agencies, and others as needed to represent the city’s interests in the legislature;
– Advise the city when its presence at the legislature is important to achieving our legislative objectives;
– Maintain a daily presence in the legislature during the session;
– Outside of the legislative session, advise the city on legislative committees whose meetings may affect the city’s interests;
– Shepherd through the legislature any legislation specifically proposed or developed by the city.
The city will develop a list of priorities with input from the successful bidder, but it is expected that, at a minimum, the following issues will be monitored or addressed on behalf of the city:
– Measures to address opioid addiction and its effects on local communities;
– Lakeshore protection, TMDL, Clean Water, stormwater, and related issues;
– Early learning initiatives, education funding, and other issues affecting the interaction of the city and its school district
– Economic development measures, including downtown designation and program incentives;
– Public safety and mental health issues;
– Appropriations, particularly ensuring adequate funding for public safety, mental health, municipal planning grants, public transportation, and housing;
– Public records and open meeting law issues;
– Airport-related matters, including Department of Transportation policy and funding of Burlington International Airport (BIA) projects;
– Transportation initiatives, including Champlain Parkway and various railway issues;
– Election issues that affect local administration of elections;
– Municipal ticket collections.
Due Date:
September 12, 2019
Eileen M. Blackwood, Esq., City Attorney City Hall, 149 Church St. Burlington, VT 05401 or electronically to eblackwood@burlingtonvt.gov
Relevant agencies include Edelman PR and APCO Worldwide.