The City of Roseburg is requesting sealed proposals from qualified proposers to provide Destination Marketing Organization, Brand Development, and Visitor Information Services.
Roseburg is situated at the heart of the Hundred Valleys of the Umpqua in scenic, Southwestern Oregon. On Interstate 5, it is 67 miles south of the state’s second largest city, Eugene, and 123 miles north of the California border. Traveling by State Highway 38/138 or 42, Roseburg is about 80 miles inland from the Pacific coastal communities Reedsport and Coos Bay. Highway 138 continues east from the city along the North Umpqua River. It is 79 miles to Diamond Lake at the summit of the Oregon Cascades and just 20 miles more to Crater Lake National Park. One of the nicest things about Roseburg is its seasons. Winters are cool without much freezing and provide most of the rainfall that brings blossom-filled springs. A warming trend begins in April and May, continuing into the summary days of July and August. Fall weather is pleasant and crisp, producing brilliant leaf colors in late October.
The Hundred Valleys of the Umpqua have been compared geographically and climatologically with Italy and Southern France. Extremes of heat and cold are rare. The summer humidity is low and snowfall is rare on the valley floor. The normal growing season is 217 days. Roseburg enjoys one of the lowest average wind velocities in the United States.
Scope of Work:
Contractor shall provide Destination Marketing services (tourism promotion services) as outlined in ORS 320, as well as brand development and visitor information services with a concentration of efforts to impact tourism within the City of Roseburg and immediate surrounding area in order to draw visitors to our community and enhance economic growth.
Funding for services is provided through CITY’s Hotel/Motel-Transient Lodging tax revenues. Funds available for tourism through that tax fluctuate based on local transient lodging occupancy and room rates. Contract payments for the prior three fiscal years have exceeded $500,000, however prior revenues are not a guarantee of future resources. The City anticipates contracting limits of 85% of the available tourism funding on an annual basis, with an annual funding cap of $550,000 and a minimum contract amount of $450,000 during the initial three year term of the contract. Payments to the CONTRACTOR will be quarterly as outlined in Section 2.2 of the Contract.
Services may be provided through a portion of the Visitors Center located at 410 SE Spruce in Roseburg. Occupancy of this facility and costs for operation are shared with the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce. If an alternative location is provided, it should be centrally located within the core of the City of Roseburg, but must be within the incorporated City limits.
CONTRACTOR shall provide tourism promotion, City of Roseburg brand/destination development, community advertising and marketing and visitor program services. CONTRACTOR’s proposal shall include information on how each of these services and any others offered by the CONTRACTOR shall be provided. CONTRACTOR shall annually provide a list of proposed outcomes and measurement of outcomes to determine effectiveness of activities.
Additional funding for extraordinary one-time costs related to branding and technology based visitor services outside the original scope of work may be available through an application to the City of Roseburg’s Economic Development Commission.
Promotions/Marketing/Advertising/Brand development
1. CONTRACTOR shall provide a comprehensive program for external facing media, marketing and advertising. Social media and website development is an essential component of a marketing strategy.
2. CONTRACTOR shall work with the City to provide Destination/Brand development services to determine the most effective program for
Community Activities
1. Technical assistance and support for local institutions and organizations, including outreach marketing for special events and attractions for visitors in and around Roseburg that attract daytime and overnight visitors to Roseburg.
2. Cooperative advertising and printing expenses, to be matched by a
3. Work with local tourism entities to help host travel/tourism writers that reflect the destination development efforts of the contract.
Due Date:
May 2nd, 2019.
City Manager’s Office
City Hall
900 SE Douglas
Roseburg, OR 97470
Tourism PR firms include Alison Brod PR and Hunter PR.