City of Vancouver Seeks Media Planning Agency

City of Vancouver Seeks Media Planning Agency

City of Vancouver Seeks Media Planning Agency

The City of Vancouver is in need of a media planning agency to assist the City Election Office and the Corporate Communications Department in developing a paid advertising strategy to promote the 2018 Election.


The City of Vancouver (“City”) will hold its municipal election in October 2018, as prescribed by provincial law. Vancouver residents will elect one mayor, ten councillors, seven Park Board commissioners, and nine School Board trustees to a four-year term of office. Voters will also vote on whether the City should borrow funds for some of the major projects outlined in the 2019-2022 Capital Plan. The Capital Plan, which will be developed in 2018, outlines major infrastructure projects for the next four years.

Among its many duties for every election, the City’s Election Office is tasked with engaging in robust nonpartisan communications and outreach programs to encourage Vancouver residents to vote. The basic details about the 2018 election:

  • Election Day is October 20, 2018 at approximately 120 locations across the City, including locations within the UBC and UEL Lands. Advance voting takes place roughly two weeks prior at a number of locations still to be confirmed. Voters can vote at ANY location during advance voting and on Election Day. For those who cannot vote in-person, mail ballots and other special voting opportunities are available. Voters can register to vote in advance to get a reminder in the mail and speed up the voting process.
  • For the first time, mayoral, councillor, and Park Board commissioner candidates will be listed in random order instead of alphabetical order on Vancouver’s municipal election ballots. The change has been made to even the playing field for candidates, but with potentially 120+ candidates listed on the ballot, this may result in confusion and long wait times at voting places.

Goals for this campaign:

The focus for the September through October 2018 advertising campaign is on encouraging people to vote and raising awareness of the random order ballot.

Specifically our goals are:


O Encourage nonvoters to participate in the election – learning more about the process, candidates, and hopefully ultimately voting

O Educating all voters about the existence of the random order ballot, and what they will need to do (plan their vote and vote in advance). As part of this education, we will also need to inform voters that full election information (which includes all candidate biographies) will be available in our printed voter guide and our website starting on September 27.


O Reminding regular voters that the election is on and that they should participate

Scope of Work:

The City of Vancouver is in need of a media planning agency to assist the City Election Office and the Corporate Communications Department in developing a paid advertising strategy to promote the 2018 Election.

The selected agency will provide a paid advertising strategy for the 2018 election, for the period of September 24, 2018 to October 20, 2018. The agency will manage all media planning and buying for the campaign, and will track the campaign budget. The agency will also provide regular reporting on the media buys and adjust if tracking poorly, and will issue a final report in October 2018.

The City is responsible for developing all creative assets for the 2018 Election in consultation with the successful agency, and will provide the agency with the needed creative assets to be delivered to advertisers.

Key deliverables:

Manage all media planning and buying for the duration of the campaign.

  1. Develop a detailed media plan and budget that includes:

a)Rationale for media outlets and channels;

b)Recommended strategy and schedule;

c)Estimated audience reach; and

d)Rates (negotiated and rate card)

  1. Negotiate, buy and place all advertisements for the duration of the campaign.
  2. Manage the delivery of assets to media vendors. The City will develop these assets in consultation with the successful agency.
  3. Monitor all media buys and track campaign performance. Produce regular campaign tracking reports to the City. Adjust media plan if tracking poorly.

Deliver a final summary report by October 29th, 2018

  1. Provide a final document that analyses the effectiveness of the campaign at reaching the City’s objectives.

The report should include:

  1. Complete overview of placements by media, type and timing;
  2. Reach analysis;
  3. Spend analysis;
  4. Value adds; and
  5. Evaluation of performance, audience insights, and recommendations for improvement

Due Date:

June 28th


Shift Communications is owned by a Canadian holding company.

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