The intent and purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP), and the resulting contract, is to obtain services from a qualified firm to provide marketing and promotional services in accordance with the Scope of Services section of the solicitation.
The EDA is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia and was created by ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of Henrico County, Virginia (the “Board of Supervisors”) pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 49 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Act”). Ten directors appointed by the Board of Supervisors govern the EDA. The EDA is authorized, among other things, to acquire, own, lease, and dispose of properties to the end that the EDA may promote industry and develop trade by inducing manufacturing, industrial, governmental, nonprofit, and commercial enterprises and institutions of higher learning to locate in or remain in Henrico, Virginia. The Act empowers the EDA to issue bonds with the purpose of carrying out any of its powers. By resolution adopted February 22, 1984, the Board of Supervisors designated the EDA as the County’s economic development organization. Henrico County has been a center of commerce and trade since 1611 and continues to evolve as a preeminent business location with a quality of place and quality of life that measure up to other leading communities around the world. The EDA is seeking a creative and media agency as a partner to help us achieve our goals. We strive to attract new jobs and capital investment to Henrico County by attracting new companies to the County and working with existing companies to expand their business here. The EDA has 4 primary goals (click here to view Henrico EDA’s Strategic Plan):
1. Facilitate strong connections between the talent supply side and regional employers to ensure the talent pipeline meets the future needs of the region;
2. Grow and diversify the Henrico economy by helping existing businesses grow and through attracting companies in identified target industries;
3. Continue to increase the desirability of Henrico as a place to live and work to promote talent retention and attraction through redevelopment, placemaking and other efforts; and
4. Enhance the perceptions of Henrico at a regional, national, and international level with key target audiences.
The current contract for marketing and promotional services is with West Cary Group, LLC and expires November 30, 2020 with no renewal options.
Scope of Work:
A. General Requirements
1. All materials produced and ideas presented within the terms of the resulting contract pursuant to this RFP shall be the property solely of the EDA and may be used subsequently in other materials produced for Henrico County and/or the EDA.
2. All information furnished or made available to the Successful Offeror or obtained, developed or otherwise acquired by it relating to the EDA shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party by the Successful Offeror, it’s employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives without authorization of the EDA.
3. Advertising materials entrusted to the Successful Offeror shall be kept in the Successful Offeror’s care for the duration of the contract. The Successful Offeror shall secure the return of these materials from any third parties.
4. The Successful Offeror will disclose to the EDA any current agreements with economic development organizations. Should the Successful Offeror choose to add EDO’s as clients during the term of the contract, the Henrico EDA must be advised in advance and provide written approval.
B. Administration Requirements
1. The Successful Offeror shall provide a dedicated account manager with excellent written and communication skills to meet with the EDA project lead on a weekly basis.
2. Estimates shall be provided for approval by the EDA prior to work being completed.
3. The Successful Offeror shall keep the EDA informed of work in progress and review drafts of such work with the EDA through its Executive Director prior to major expenditure.
4. The EDA shall, in its sole discretion, have complete and absolute authority over the content and style of advertising and marketing and promotion material produced.
5. The Successful Offeror shall be responsible for obtaining the following:
a) All releases, licenses, permits and other authorizations needed to use photographs, names, likenesses, endorsements, and testimonials in proper form;
b) All assignments and licenses of copyrights for copyrightable materials, artwork, sound recordings, audio visual works, motion pictures and the like; and
c) Legal authorization and clearance for use of any other property rights belonging to third parties in the EDA’s advertising.
C. Marketing and Promotional Services Requirements
The EDA is seeking a marketing firm to help better position Henrico as a quality place to do business with corporate decision makers around the world and with corporate executives within Henrico. The Successful Offeror, working with EDA staff, will develop and execute a marketing plan and provide the following services:
1. Recommend to the EDA creative, cost effective marketing strategies for reaching our target audience (C-level executives and site-location consultants including B2B clients) with the goal of convincing decision makers that Henrico County should be considered as a location option should they decide to expand or relocate their business; .
2. Create 4 – 6 pieces of content distributed each month to include a variety of communications such as:
a. Press releases;
b. Digital ads;
c. Socials posts/ads;
d. Video;
e. Website posts; and
f. Emails;
3. Create a monthly property newsletter (PropertyNow) and distribute through email and other social media;
4. Create a quarterly newsletter (HenricoNow) and distribute through email and other channels;
5. Help provide enhanced depth and content to the EDA website with a focus on greatly expanding the use of electronic marketing;
6. Continue to update and expand the EDA website to attract customers and to pursue additional ways to positively impact company executives via electronic marketing;
7. Develop social media and/or branding campaigns including but not limited to planning, researching, identifying goals, establishing key statements, determining tactics and timelines, and placing ads in media outlets;
8. Create promotional materials as needed;
9. Public relations work to achieve our goals; and
10. Provide artistic or technical assistance.
Due Date:
September 10
This RFP and any addenda are available on the County of Henrico website at: http://henrico.us/finance/divisions/purchasing, and on eVA at https://eva.virginia.gov/.
Relevant agencies worth considering include Magrino PR and Hunter PR