Communications RFP Issued For Women’s Sports

Communications RFP Issued For Women’s Sports

Communications RFP Issued For Women’s Sports

The Somalia TIS+ Project has issued an RFP for a Public Relations agency.  The project is intended promote good governance and community cohesion across Somalia.

The objectives of this program are to: 1) Increase confidence in governance based on equitable participation in decision making and management of community assets. 2) Empower community and government representatives to engage with private sector and development actors in a collaborative process for community growth. 3) Increase Somali engagement in creating a more stable future. 4) Support inclusive, sustainable development by reducing gender gaps in stabilization and development.


Empowering and Supporting Somali women is one of the key focus of TIS+. As a part of reviving Somali women’s basketball TIS+ will facilitate regional basketball training in Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa, Adaado, Garowe, and Hargeisa. In addition, TIS+ will organize nationwide tournament where all the teams from the regions will come to Garowe to compete.

TIS+ is seeking communication firm/consultant with expertise in public relations, strategic communication, and community engagement. The firm/consultant is also expected to handle all  of  the  printing, development of messages, and media relations. The national basketball tournament will take place in Garowe, Somalia. It is expected Six to seven teams from the regions to come together in a friendly competition.

Primary Responsibilities:

  1. Develop strategic communication plan for the tournament
  2. Coordinate all communication activities including – designing and implementation of the tournament communication strategy, prepare visual content, print banners, fliers and other promotion materials, in collaboration with the government, draft press releases
  3. Handle the preparation and the printing of all materials including, banners, posters, fliers, event schedule etc.
  4. Take pictures of the tournament and insert captions for selected photos (each photo must have a consent form)
  5. In collaboration with the government, produce content for social media and encourage ministries   to tweet the developed messages
  6. Help the Somali Olympic Committee setup Facebook page for the tournament and livestream the event
  7. Support the Somali National Olympic Committee to draft invitation letters to media and guests
  8. Work closely with the local and international media
  9. Provide success stories (minimum of three from different angles)

Proposal due by Wednesday, 23 November 2016 to:

U.S. Agency for International Development
Washington, D.C. 20523-1000
Phone: 202-712-4810
Fax: 202-216-3035

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