The County of Santa Clara is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to conduct a public communications campaign to
(1) encourage safe driving habits for mobile phone users in Santa Clara County
(2) and educate drivers of the impacts of distracted driving.
The awarded Contractor would develop and execute media plan for the broad-based public education phase of the Distracted Driver Awareness Campaign in April 2020, coinciding with National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It is the County’s intent to award a single contract to a qualified responsible and responsive vendor. If an award is made, it is the County’s intent to award a contract with an initial term of one year, with two, one-year options to renew in the County’s sole discretion.
Santa Clara County (SCC) is the sixth most populous County in California, with a population of 1.9 million people. The County contains 168 distinct voting districts, fifteen cities encompassing approximately 1,300 square miles and a large concentration of electronics, research and manufacturing firms. It is the fifth-largest County government in the State and has an estimated workforce of 22,000. The County organizational structure includes a decentralized mix of approximately 50 semiautonomous County Agencies and Departments. The County provides services such as public safety and justice, road construction and maintenance, parks and recreation, libraries, and environmental resource management. It also operates “enterprise” programs, which charge fees to users for services. Two examples are the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and the County airports. The County acts as an agent of the State in administering health, social services, and criminal justice programs that are of statewide concern. Policy making, and legislative authority are vested in the County Board of Supervisors, which consists of an elected Supervisor from each of the County’s five districts. The Board’s responsibilities include passing ordinances, adopting the Budget, appointing committees and appointing the County Executive who manages the day to day operations of the County. For more information please go to www.sccgov.org.
Scope of Work:
1. The Contractor will conduct a multi-channel public communications campaign to (1) educate drivers about the significant adverse impacts resulting from distracted driving and (2) encourage safe driving habits for residents in Santa Clara County. The Contractor will develop, design, provide communications materials, implement a countywide campaign, as well as provide strategic advice to ensure maximum value and effectiveness.
2. Marketing Materials
a. Content
i. The Contractor will produce the content of materials, or hire a subcontractor to produce the content, which may include:
a. Researching key messages and persuasive methodologies to communicate to stakeholders showing the impact of distracted driving utilizing existing credible, scientific research
b. Identifying other effective communications campaigns related to distracted driving
c. Using available local, statewide, or national data related to distracted driving
b. Communications Materials
i. Provide a summary of research findings used to inform draft communications materials, suggest tone and voice, and description of graphic design for County’s review and approval. Map out targeted audiences and strategic content for each of the various designed pieces.
ii. Identify priority audiences for contact by mapping key stakeholders to target.
iii. Develop a cohesive, branded print and digital creative plan for the broad-based public education phase of the Distracted Driver Awareness Campaign.
iv. Create first drafts of an initial suite of print and digital creative assets.
v. Contractor will secure translation of materials into each language identified by the County, which may include but is not limited to English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin. The Contractor will ensure the materials are culturally appropriate for Santa Clara County communities.
3. Communications
Plan The Contractor will create both a paid and earned media communications plan that includes identification of targeted communities, media partners to carry out the work, and the messages and materials utilized by these partners.
4. Other Project Requirements
a. Participate in meetings with County staff and partner agencies to gather all relevant background information, discuss short- and long-term project goals, communicate initial ideas for communications materials, and begin developing the framework of the campaign. Participate in ongoing planning and status meetings and/or calls with County staff on weekly or monthly basis, as requested by the County.
b. The Contractor shall engage and collaborate with law enforcement agencies including but not limited to informing campaign messaging and contributing to the promotion of lifesaving laws.
a. Consult with County staff to create a Distracted Driver landing page, on a County-hosted website, and develop a plan to utilize it for broad-based public education on the impacts of distract driving, including establishing plans to gain any necessary approvals for website activity tracking and submission of proposed landing page materials for County approval.
b. Gather and monitor social media analytics and website traffic data to measure the performance of earned and paid media. County and Contractor will mutually agree upon performance benchmarks. Contractor in consultation with the County’s Project Manager will modify any media approaches that perform below these benchmarks.
c. Develop and execute media plan for the broad-based public education phase of the Distracted Driver Awareness Campaign in April 2020, coinciding with Distracted Driving Awareness Month, as well as provide weekly performance reports on all media efforts.
Due Date:
1/6/2020 3:00 PM Pacific Time
Gladys Cabagbag, Program Manager II
County of Santa Clara
Office of the County Executive
70 W. Hedding St, 11th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
Relevant agencies include Hunter PR and Zeno Group.