Business Objective

The Purchasing Division is committed to broadening the scope of services offered to the County by utilizing vendors throughout the country. Specific goals are to provide excellent customer service to County users as well as vendors with whom we do business. The Division continually applies principles of greater efficiency and economy in County government.


Dane County Purchasing is associated with the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing and the Wisconsin Association of Public Purchasers, which provide purchasing and management skills training for all public procurement professionals.

Scope of Work:

The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to enable them to prepare and submit a proposal for zoo marketing and brand development. The purpose of this RFP is to award a contract for services to provide the Henry Vilas Zoo (HVZ) with an initial scope of work for creating a Zoo marketing campaign, followed by up to five years total of on call services as requested covering advertising, marketing, social media, website development/enrichment, brand development, creative development, media buying and market research as specifically related to a free, publicly accessible, family-friendly zoo for one year with four optional one-year renewals, focused on the continual development of an established distinctive brand that will resonate with visitors, residents, stakeholders, donors and the community. The professional company must implement a results-oriented strategy coupled with a winning strategy for execution. The types of responsibilities in the initial campaign will be as follows:

• Agency Services/Strategic Plan

• Campaign Theme/Wordmark

• Case for Support/Value Proposition

• Pledge/Giving Levels

• Membership Email Template

• Membership Social Media Graphics/Messaging

• Annual Giving Email Message/Template

• Annual Giving Letter

• Annual Giving Social Media Graphics/Content

• Capital Campaign Website/Donation Landing Page

• Capital Campaign Email Message

• Capital Campaign Social Media Graphics/Messaging

• Capital Campaign Digital Online Ads

• Capital Campaign Videos SECTION 3 – PROJECT OVE

A proposer must qualify in multiple, if not all, of the areas of the following requested areas of service. The contract resulting from this RFP will be administered by the Henry Vilas Zoo. The contract administrators will be Kristin Moala and Ronda Schwetz

3.2.1 Marketing, Advertising and Brand Development & Management

Based on HVZ’s current marketing goals, the selected contractor shall develop and submit for approval a marketing strategy, including creative concepts for a campaign with slogans, themes, graphics and visual elements for print, electronic media, social media and word of mouth applications. The Contractor must be able to develop and maintain an insightful and nuanced description of the target customer groups for HVZ. In addition, the contractor must be experienced in developing: a brand promise, brand positioning maps, a category frame of reference, customer touchpoints design and qualitative research techniques including projective, laddering, guided imagery. The Contractor must be able to leverage current brand strategies as well as develop additional strategies and platforms to ensure word of mouth exposures, nontraditional media deliveries, increased customer loyalties, and increased market share, and increased donor support.

3.2.2 Creative Element Design & Production

The contractor will translate creative concepts to produce print and electronic materials, allowing HVZ adequate time for review and approval. The contractor must submit written production estimates to the HVZ prior to production. The print products will be camera-ready in electronic form. The electronic products will consist of finished products for airing on radio, TV, CD, CD-ROM, DVD, presentation software or other Web 2.0 applications, to the specifications required for placement. Services may include studio production, scripting, editing, treatment, casting, graphics, animations, background music and narration. Contractor will provide all necessary talent. The HVZ will approve all formats, talent, scripts and locations in advance.

3.2.3 Media Planning and Buying Securing Value-Added Exposure

The selected contractor will create and submit for approval a comprehensive media plan designed to reach proposed target audiences through advertising and media placements in venues such as print, outdoor, television, radio, web, social media, advertorials, or another event/location marketing locations. Submittal shall include details of the methodology, reach, and frequency goals. The contractor must be able to work directly with media providers to obtain additional value-added exposure concurrent with key media buys, which can include advertorials, web advertising, program or event sponsorships, printed inserts, logo sharing, social media promotions, or other programs or services that directly provide additional exposure above and beyond the original media buy.

3.2.4 Market Research & Evaluation Management

The contractor must be able to manage the collection and evaluation of attitudinal research, pre-test and/or post test, or other customer research. Examples of research tools would be focus groups, interviews, panels, written, phone, mail, email or web-based surveys. Contractor must be able to ensure that data is collected, tabulated, summarized, and analyzed for presentation.

3.2.5 Social Media Development / Management

The Contractor should be able to develop and execute a clearly defined social media strategy, building off current established strategies and vehicles that directly supports marketing and customer engagement initiatives. Contractor will be responsible for evaluating, planning, organizing, managing and contributing to all social media channels. Routine measurement of effectiveness and engagement is essential. 3.2.6 Video & Audio Production / Management The Contractor should be able to develop and execute a clearly defined video and audio strategy, building off current established strategies and vehicles that directly supports marketing and customer engagement initiatives. Contractor will be responsible for evaluating, planning, organizing, managing and contributing to all production channels.

Due Date:

May 20, 2020 2:00 p.m. (CST)


Purchasing Bid Dropbox www.danepurchasing.com      

Edelman PR and Zeno Group are relevant agencies.

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