Digital RFP Issued By UNDP

Digital RFP Issued By UNDP
Digital RFP Issued By UNDP

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UNDP Nepal works with the people and Government of Nepal, and other development partners to pursue equitable and sustainable human development goals through eradication of poverty, increase in livelihood opportunities, improvement in community resilience against conflict, disasters and impact of climate change, while laying down strong foundations for a society based on rule of law with an inclusive and participatory democracy.


UNDP has been supporting the Nepalese people in their struggle against poverty since it opened an in-country office in 1963. Much of this support has gone to building up the capacity of government agencies, civil society and community groups to fight poverty, and to bringing these groups and Nepal’s donors together to design and implement successful poverty alleviation projects.

UNDP in Nepal concentrates its efforts for greater impact in the most remote, poor, and/or conflict-affected areas of the Province 2, 6 and 7 where its rights-based interventions are targeted towards the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. The UNDP programmes seek opportunities for joint programming with other United Nations organizations and engage in joint planning and monitoring of development activities in selected districts. 
Scope of Work:

UNDP’s actions and programmes are defined in its Country Programme Document (CPD 2018-2022) which is aligned with priorities of the Government of Nepal. The CPD is based on the broader United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF 2018-2022).


Currently the overarching priority of our work in Nepal is to help the Government and its people build a lasting peace and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by:

Gender and Social Inclusion is a cross-cutting issue in all these areas.


Our key results from 2019 are given below in numbers:

  • • Over 130 community infrastructures, such as irrigation canals, market centres, drinking water schemes and agricultural roads constructed/rehabilitated benefitting over 75,000 people in earthquake-hit districts (52% women, 10% Dalit and over 2000 of them persons with disabilities)
  • • About 5,000 farmers (40% women) benefited through training on optimal farm practices and technical backstopping.
  • • UNDP contributed to the development of the National Education Policy 2076 by organizing policy dialogues across the country and providing policy recommendations focusing on TVET.
  • • Helped three provincial governments formulate Industrial Enterprise Acts
  • • Supported the Government of Nepal in creating over 20,000 additional micro entrepreneurs across the country. With UNDP’s support, Nepal has been able to create over 165,000 micro entrepreneurs in the past two decades.
  • • Provided technical support to enhance the capacity Election Commission of Nepal to conduct credible elections. The by-elections in November 2019 were successfully conducted, with a voter turnout of 65.5% and the invalid vote dropping to 1.7%.
  • • Over 1,800 people, including Election Commission staff, political leaders, judges, journalists and other electoral stakeholders (30% female) enhanced their capacity on inclusive electoral process, effective resolution of disputes through a series of trainings.
  • • Supported the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs to formulate the Integrated Legal Aid Policy, which aims at standardizing legal aid services in Nepal ensuring better access to justice for women and vulnerable groups.
  • • Provided capacity building support to 602 Members of Parliament and provincial assemblies in reviewing laws and ensuring they follow inclusive processes.
  • • Over 600 people (253 of them women) directly benefited from legal representation in several districts through training provided by UNDP.
  • • Helped build capacity of over 200 journalists in reporting SDGs and other development issues.
  • • UNDP partnered with the World Bank in conducting a needs assessment to implement the federal system at all government levels.
  • • With support of UNDP, an additional 12,000+ people had access to electricity. Over the past two decades, UNDP has provided technical support to the Government of Nepal in generating 304.58 GWh power from micro hydro projects.
  • • Supported over 23,000 households in constructing their resilient homes post 2015 earthquake, through hands-on support including in designing code-compliant house maps, acquiring building permits, accessing housing grants and identifying resources.
  • • Over 2000 masons were trained on resilient and affordable housing construction techniques.
  • • Supported 500 highly vulnerable households with livelihood recovery activities, such as rehabilitation of damaged water mills and workshops and training on construction-based enterprises, tunnel farming, livestock and poultry, in the areas severely affected by the earthquake.
  • • Nepal formulated its first SDG-aligned development plan (the 15th Plan) with technical support from UNDP.
  • • At the provincial level, with UNDP support, six provinces initiated or prepared SDGs baselines to inform their periodic plans.
  • • Across the seven provinces, municipalities co-invested with UNDP to implement 17 SDG localization demonstration projects.
  • • Members of federal parliament and provincial assemblies received tailored support to champion the SDGs, and the federal parliament now has an SDG resource center.
  • • Five platforms for integrated policy support for Agenda 2030 were designed to partner with provincial governments, universities, and the private sector.
  • • Working in the innovation space, UNDP’s newly launched Accelerator Lab started to uncover solutions to unemployment and urbanization challenges. The Lab is a new initiative of UNDP in over 60 countries across the world and it helps explore solutions to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.

*UNDP supports the Government and people of Nepal in collaboration with other development partners. All the numbers presented here are part of either government-led and UNDP supported projects or projects directly implemented by UNDP in collaboration with other development partners.

Due Date:

5:00PM Nepal time, August 13, 2020


Relevant agencies include APCO Worldwide and Shift communications

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