How to Land the PR Job of Your Dreams

Landing the PR Job of Your Dreams

Landing the PR Job of Your Dreams

The PR industry is growing. It is estimated that the number of professionals working in the PR industry will grow about 25% during this decade. So landing a PR job isn’t likely to happen just because you faxed in a quality resume. Here are a few tips to consider in your journey toward employment in the job of your dreams.

Land with Current LinkedIn Profile.

LinkedIn has become one of the major resources used by recruiters to research and contact prospective employees. This should be your major social media platform regarding job hunting. In one place, you can have resume details, putting emphasis on successes and responsibilities you had. You can also have references from past employers, workmates, and customers. On LinkedIn, you’ll also find networking groups in your industry, list your skills, and people you know easily endorse that they agree you have those skills. And, if all of that is not enough, you can add articles you’ve written or that are about you on your profile. So, if you’ve got a profile on LinkedIn, but haven’t had time to do much with it – get off your duff and fill in that stuff!

One thing you will want to remember, like any other social media platform, it is social. That means give back to your contacts exactly what you would like to receive from them. If you need endorsements for your skills, take the time to endorse the skills your friends have. If you need recommendations, ask and then reciprocate.

Twitter Wish List.

You may not have time to keep a constant eye on your Twitter stream, so this is a way to use Twitter as a job gold mine. Create or join a list that includes recruiters you’ve used in the past, companies and organizations who hire employees for your dream job, job search outlets, and anyone else that can help you get that job. Check the list once or twice a day to see what is happening and learn what you need to know. Be aware you cannot post from the list. It is a read-only function.

Skip the middlemen.

If you see or become aware of a job you’d love, find out who would be the decision maker for hiring on that job. No, not HR, but the department head. So if we are talking about PR, then find out who is in charge of the media or communications for the company. Check the company website and find that person, and then mail the ultimate targeted resume and cover letter to that person. It might immediately get kicked to HR, in which case you haven’t lost anything. But they might read it and invite you in to meet. The important thing to remember here – don’t act like a stalker and don’t spam them. That is only going to take you out of the running.

One really thing about working in PR, we network with others

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