Enterprise Services Issues RFP For Creative Services

Enterprise Services
Enterprise Services Issues RFP For Creative Services
Enterprise Services Issues RFP For Creative Services

Enterprise Services is soliciting proposals to establish Service Contracts with experienced and qualified Communications Professionals and Firms to perform graphic design and associated layout and production coordination services for preparation of marketing materials, digital communications, publications, promotional materials, and other related projects.


The Department of Enterprise Services manages many business and operational services that state agencies and municipal governments need to deliver public services. Our centralized services include facilities and lease management, accounting, human resources, risk management, contracting and printing. Enterprise Services also manages the Capitol Campus.

We bring together the policy, planning and oversight of such services and are constantly working to improve their value and effectiveness and reduce the overall cost of government operations. Services provided by Enterprise Services allow state agencies and municipal governments to focus on their core missions.

Enterprise Services is funded primarily by the revenues we receive from the agencies for which we provide services. We endeavor to use our unique position as a statewide service provider to integrate various support services and provide economies of scale to save the state money and seize opportunities for Washington. In many cases, agencies can either choose to use our services or get them elsewhere; however, some services we offer are mandatory under state law.

We focus on finding the best value for our customers. We do our best to take the time to understand our customers’ needs so they can continue to work on their core mission while we provide “what you need, how you need it and when you need it.”

Scope of Work:

The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is initiating this Request for Qualifications and Quotations (RFQQ) to solicit Responses from Bidders to perform graphic design and associated layout and production coordination services for preparation of marketing materials, digital communications, publications, promotional materials and other related projects.

Contractors will be responsible for helping to create a single identity and voice in the marketplace for DES – for both agency-wide and for specific programs – using unifying elements and ensuring consistent design and branding across all media discussed in Communications Methods stated below. Contractors are responsible for working with DES Communications team members, as well as coordination with DES Program Managers and Event Committees to provide adequate communications and marketing direction or support.

Communications Methods: DES will use a number of tools for positioning the agency and communicating with its customers and the public.

  • Brand development
  • Logos
  • Presentations
  • Brochures
  • Posters and flyers
  • Business collateral
  • Display booth materials
  • Advertisements (digital and print)
  • PowerPoint templates
  • Infographics
  • Web graphics
  • Illustrations
  • Animations
  • E-Newsletters
  • Mobile/electronic registration platforms for events and conferences
  • Printed programs, agendas and signage for special events
  • Fact sheets and collateral materials for open houses and informational workshops
  • Press releases
  • Calendars
  • Maps
  • Photos
  • Videos

The agency may refresh its brand identity during the contract period. The agency would incorporate new designs, enhance its brand standards, and develop agency wide branding guidelines.

DES may also apply graphic design elements to its digital communications and social media strategies, as deemed appropriate in fulfilling the mission of the agency:

  • Email notices (short)
  • eNewsletters (longer)
  • Infographics
  • Content for Social Media such as:

                                o LinkedIn

                                o Facebook

                                o YouTube

                                o Twitter

DES may also require content development, writing and editing support for and its marketing and communications activities, as deemed appropriate in fulfilling the mission of the agency

Due Date:

May 31st, 2019.



Agencies with relevant experience includes W2O Group and Edelman PR.

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