Extreme Reach Lends Ad Companies Big Helping Hand

Extreme Reach

Extreme Reach In news from the Ad space, Extreme Reach, Inc. announced earlier this week, launched an integrated tool suite for managing talent contracts and third-party rights. Available from within their leading video ad distribution platform for TV and Web ad distribution, the suite promises to streamline ad client workflow.

Being in the middle ground between talent and rights management, any company aiming at video or Web ad delivery, will run across the point of pain evidently addressed by Extreme Reach here. Taking this shortcut, advertisements might much more easily be served up on permissive media, without the long tail of human searches for commercial agreements, and so on. And too, avoiding costly compliance errors and delays, simply has to have been a major stumbling block before now.

Extreme Reach helps advertisers and agencies manage, execute, and track advertising campaigns virtually anywhere in the spectrum of mediums, even VOD, for a much better delivery vehicle. If cost and time effectiveness is an issue at all, this new tool box seems like the next big thing for a number of ad space players, not to mention media outlets at some point. It seems to this writer, the tool can be reverse applied in some cases, enabling networks to better get a handle on their end of the ad service menu and cart. John Roland, CEO of Extreme Reach, offered this in addition:

“As the video advertising landscape converges, advertisers need to be able to execute video campaigns across TV and the Web efficiently and responsibly. We’re pleased to launch our new integrated talent and rights solutions to help the industry eliminate steps, risks and costly mistakes. For the first time, advertisers can have full transparency into the usage restrictions for every ad and the tools to automate and control compliance across every screen.”

For those unfamiliar, Extreme Reach connects some 2500 plus advertisers to more than 1000 commercial production companies as well as over 10000 media outlets in the US and Canada. Headquartered in Needham, Mass., they also have offices in New York, Chicago, Burbank, Detroit, Dallas, Seattle and Louisville. The company has been funded by Village Ventures, Long River Ventures, and Greycroft Partners, according to Crunchbase.

Media contacts should approach the company via Konajilo Luseni Barrasso Makovsky + Co. at kluseni@makovsky.com, or by phoning: 212-508-9684. You may also want to read the original release via the company website here.

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