Fallbrook Public Utility District Seeking New Internet Website

Fallbrook Public Utility District Seeking New Internet Website

 Fallbrook Public Utility District Seeking New Internet Website

The Fallbrook Public Utility District (FPUD), in California is seeking proposals for a new Internet website for the District. The current website address is www.fpud.com. The goal for the new site is to continue to present the FPUD in a positive image, with a website that is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and informative.


Fallbrook Public Utility District, which shall be referred to as FPUD in this RFP, is a public agency that provides potable and recycled water, and sewer service, in Fallbrook, California to a service area of approximately 34,500. The District has about 9,200 potable water accounts, 600 recycled water connections and approximately 4,500 sewer connections.


Statement of Needs

  • Presents FPUD in a positive image
  • Gives an attractive, professional look and feel to the FPUD website
  • Will be informational
  • Provides for consistent, intuitive navigation so that information can easily be found by a novice as well as an experienced Internet user
  • Can be easily updated, maintained and administered by FPUD staff, including non-technical users
  • Will be quick to load on the visitor’s browser for both high-speed broadband connections as well as lower speed dial-up connections
  • Customizable to FPUD and its business needs


  • The new site will include most or all content from fpud.com. The Selected Vendor should plan to meet with FPUD staff to review and identify content.
  • Major content sections of the website will be rearranged from the current top  level sections. The exact names and reorganization of content into the new sections has not yet been determined.
  • A limited amount of generic stock photography can be used where needed to improve the aesthetics of the website, or as background design elements. However, FPUD will update graphic content of the website with FPUD’s provided photography with the intent to give an authentic look and feel for the FPUD’s service area.  These details will be discussed with the selected Consultant.

Design Requirements

  • Must be based on a commercial off-the-shelf or custom-made Content Management System (CMS).
  • Produce a visually attractive design that includes a balanced mix of graphics and text.
  • The site should be easy to navigate. Information should be grouped in a logical manner and require no more than three (3) levels of drill down for the user to find the desired information.
  • Common look and feel to the website by using templates and style sheets. The use of photographs, fonts and layouts should be consistent throughout the website. The FPUD logo should be displayed on every page as part of a common header.
  • Compliant to the American Disability Act Code (Section 508).
  • The site should be built in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 A and AA as recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium. See http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ for details.
  • No navigation or site elements can require plug-ins, however they may be used where required for content presentation, such as embedded video.
  • Considering existing website content and services, develop a concept and working prototype website that consists of a home page and second level interior sub-pages.
  • Include translation for users to switch language to Spanish.
  • Ensure website design is functional and usable on computers running Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems, and on the most recent versions, plus one version prior if applicable, of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera web browsers. Web pages should have responsive design and automatically adjust to any browser size, including mobile platforms. To assist with design ideas, staff has identified sites from other water agencies. Some that staff has identified as visually appealing and/or functional are: otay.gov, www.rainbowmwd.com, www.olivenhain.com, and www.sweetwater.org. FPUD staff will meet with the selected Consultant to discuss the design direction based on a combination of elements identified in other example websites. A list of the sites and design elements will be reviewed at this meeting.

Proposal due on Oct 19th, 2016 to:

990 East Mission Road

  1. O. Box 2290
    Fallbrook, California 92088-2290

(760) 728-1125

Fax (760) 728-5943

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