In maybe the best case of brand loyalty anywhere, the very first Ford Mustang ever sold remains in the original owner’s possession. What’s more the 1964 convertible pony car is not for sale, according to this report at The Daily Herald. Of the 8 million or so mustangs sold since the model came to life, the one sold to Park Ridge resident Gail Wise is believed to be the first sale ever.
Chicago back in the heyday of the muscle car surely looked a lot different than it does now to Wise and her contemporary. But one thing that remains the same is the mystique and sex appeal of Ford’s most iconic sports car brand. As brands go, few companies will ever have a product to match Mustang’s successes over the years. As for the 64 model in question, there’s also few things on wheels to outmatch a baby blue drop top with “go” like these indelible autos possess.
Far from the synchronized and efficient cookie cutters produced today, the Mustang of the mid 60’s was a bit of an untamed beast. Each stamped bit of metallic presence, different and unique to its owner. As for Gail Wise’s story, a college graduation present to herself is as cool a “wind in her face” convertible rush as it was back in the day. Interestingly, Wise actually took ownership of the car two days before Mustangs officially went on sale.
49 years later it’s safe to say Wise owns a priceless bit of Americana, one made more valuable because of her love affair with the car, and her loyalty to the cars termed “pony” by then editor of Car Life Magazine, Dennis Shattuck. Below is a video from the era announcing the all new Ford Mustang, an affordable sports car to compete with the legendary rides from Europe etc.
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