Florida Housing Finance Corporation Issues Public Relations RFP

florida housing

Florida Housing Finance Corporation (“Florida Housing”) is soliciting competitive, sealed responses from qualified firms to provide public relations services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), and any other term and condition in any contract subsequently awarded. Respondents will be selected and determined through Florida Housing’s review of each response, considering the factors identified in this RFQ. Florida Housing expects to select one or more Respondents that propose to provide all of the services specified in this RFQ.


Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) was created by the state Legislature 35 years ago to assist in providing a range of affordable housing opportunities for residents that help make Florida communities great places in which to live, work and do business. Our vision is to be recognized as an outstanding provider of innovative, measurable, data-driven and fiscally sustainable solutions that respond to the affordable housing challenges of our state.

Today, Florida Housing continues its mission by increasing affordable housing opportunities and ensuring that its programs are well matched to the needs of those we serve. We know that we cannot accomplish our mission alone. As such, we continue to work with local governments, non-profits, elected officials and others to help spread the importance of affordable housing in Florida’s communities.

Multifamily development programs (or rental housing program) include State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL), Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bonds (MMRB), Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee (Guarantee Program), HOME Investment Partnerships, Elderly Housing Community Loan (EHCL), Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, Grants to Serve Persons with Developmental Disabilities and National Housing Trust Fund.

Florida Housing’s special programs include the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP), Predevelopment Loan Program (PLP), Demonstration Loans, Foreclosure Counseling Program (FCP), and the Affordable Housing Catalyst Program (Catalyst).

Florida Housing’s homeownership programs include Homebuyer Loan programs, Downpayment Assistance programs (DPA), Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCC), and the Homeownership Pool Program (HOP).

Florida Housing provides a web-based rental housing locator (http://www.floridahousingsearch.org/) that allows the public to search for affordable rental housing 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, a toll-free, bilingual call center is available Monday – Friday for those without access to the Internet.

Scope of Work:

Florida Housing uses public relations plans and/or buys print, broadcast, display and/or online advertising to promote its housing programs and/or other housing-related programs. Florida Housing seeks to implement research-based public relations campaigns and media-buying strategies that maximize reach within its target markets, and that demonstrate an effective use of public relations and advertising dollars. Contractor(s) will be asked to provide public relations and crisis communications planning, in addition to media planning and media buying strategies that focus on mainstream and minority media, including Hispanic, African-American and Creole markets, and produce methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the public relations and/or advertising campaigns.

The Contractor will develop research-based public relations, crisis communications campaigns, media planning and/or media buying strategies that include print, broadcast, display, and/or online advertising to promote Florida Housing, its programs and/or other housing-related programs to potentially eligible consumers within mainstream and minority communities. With the submission of each invoice, the Contractor will also provide Florida Housing with a report that provides a breakdown of the campaign, to include items such as types of media used, how/when it was disseminated to the target audience, etc.

Due Date:

February 27th, 2019.


Contract Administrator

Florida Housing Finance Corporation

227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000

Tallahassee, FL 32301-1329



Zimmerman PR is a Florida based PR firm.

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