Four Of The Hottest Women In Public Relations

Four Of The Hottest Women In Public

Four Of The Hottest Women In Public Relations Media
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women make up over 63 percent of public relations or communications specialists in the United States – and maybe its even higher than that. These women are attractive – and shaping media messages. Attractive and damn smart.

In no particular order, here is our top four hottest women in PR:


Cessie Cerrato, Public Relations Director, Palace Resorts

As Public Relations Director for Palace Resorts, Cessie Cerrato plans, leads and executes all publicity efforts and internal communication missions for the brand globally. With support from her public relations team at Newlink Communications. Cessie strategically plans event and trade show events in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Cessie has been instrumental in the launch of Moon Palace Jamaica Grande that is scheduled to open in 2015. Cessie successfully created a partnership between Palace Resorts and the Jamaican Tourism Authority, Jamaican government officials – including the office of the Minister of Tourism – and the Jamaican Consulate in New York. She used her liaison talents to establish the groundwork for future partnerships in the region.


Catherine Frymark

Catherine Frymark, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, Discovery Communications

The Discovery Channel, TLC, and Animal Planet are led in their communications efforts by Catherine Frymark who expertly guides all responsibilities covering financial communications, communications support for the office of the CEO, and all corporate events as a spokesperson. Catherine spearheaded the launch of Discovery’s first-ever corporate brand campaign in an innovative plan designed to communicate to consumers, investors, and policy-makers covering the company’s global profile.


Allyson Hugley

Allyson Hugley, President, Measurement and Analytics, Weber Shandwick 

In her role as Weber Shandwick’s resident analytics expert, Allyson Hugley, lessens the “big data” anxiety of industry executives while fueling their imaginations as to what it can achieve. Because she is a frontrunner in the big data movement by infusing data and analytics within all avenues of communications strategy and development, Allyson is a leading player in pursuing the role of analytics in communications while advancing the role of big data in public relations. In 2015, Allyson has worked to launch the Weber Shandwick Global Data Salon which will provide a forum for agency staff, clients, and partners to discuss the ever evolving role of big data in communication and the resulting public relations impact. This year, Allyson also organized and led eight Salon events including hosting the inaugural series of discussions for clients in the UK and Berlin. Subsequent discussions in New York were hosted by Allyson and included high profile speakers and attendees including executives from GSK, the NBA, Adobe, and Bloomberg.


Amber Winan

Amber Winans, Managing Director, Bhava Communications

As managing director of Bhava Communications, Amber strives to mentor future public relations leaders. On her own personal time, she provides expert advice to current students and recent graduates in California as a communications advisory board member at Widener University. Within a window of five days, Amber and her team must successfully pitch, secure interest, and conduct briefings for Alteryx’s key funding announcement of the year. As the Zen counselor, therapist, skilled public relations strategist and advisor, Amber worked through all client concerns and kept the project on course toward execution. Her efforts resulted in nearly 60 content filled pieces in major outlets like Gigaom, Forbes, VentureBeat, and Wall Street Journal.
Who Do You Think Is The Hottest Woman In Public Relations? Follow-up comments are welcome.

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