Hudson, New Jersey Issues PR Proposal

new jersey news

The work shall consist of providing outreach to the Hispanic community and media outlets. Services shall include, but not be limited to, providing content and updating Spanish social media pages; interfacing with Hispanic media outlets; create short video content targeted toward the Hispanic community; draft and distribute press releases in Spanish; report relevant trends and issues to Township; assist with branding of outreach messaging; translation services and assist with outreach to Hispanic community.

Proposals will be evaluated by the Township of North Bergen on the basis of the most advantageous,

price and other factors considered. The evaluation will consider:

a. Licensure, experience and reputation in the field;

b. Ability to address, complete, and facilitate all items stated in the above scope of services;

c. Knowledge of the Township of North Bergen and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract;

d. Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the Township;

e. Other factors to be demonstrated to be in the best interest of the Township of North Bergen;

f. Compensation proposal

The Township seeks Qualifications from qualified Public Relations firms to provide services

including but not limited to consultation, developing advertising programs, press releases and special

projects on an as-needed basis.

Scope of Work

The Township of North Bergen (hereinafter referred to as “Township”) seeks proposals for a qualified

Public Relations firm. The Public Relations firm shall be required to provide the following services:


1. Be available for consultation with Township representatives on an as needed basis as required.

2. Advise on communication strategy, handle media relations and crisis communications, and act

as a media spokesperson for the Township.

3. Attend all regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Township Commission.

4. Prepare and place all press releases and attend all press conferences as required by the


5. Assist with managing Township social media pages and handle social media advertising,

develop content for the Township Website.

6. Development of annual Tax Letter.

7. Provide content and all video services for bimonthly “NB Update” Videos. Any additional

video services requiring outside vendors must be approved by the Township.

8. Prepare bimonthly “NB Update” Mailings.

9. Work with Township Administrator to establish communications calendar for “NB Updates”

referenced in #7 & 8 above.

10. Prepare and provide cost estimates for all proposed special projects.

11. Provide translations as needed.

12. All printed materials must adhere to approved printer sizes, specifications and deadlines. Any exceptions, including rush orders, must be approved in advance by the Township.

Closing Date



Copies Required and Deadline for Receipt of Proposals. Proposers must submit one (1) original proposal, one (1) copy to the Township. Proposals must be sealed and labeled on the outside of the package. The proposer must indicate the following on the outside of the envelope: (1) the name and address of the service provider; (2) “RFQ#2022-19 – Public Relations Consultant” and (3) “Sealed RFQ Response”.

Proposals must be received by Suzanne Taylor, Purchasing Agent, prior to 10:00 AM, local time, December 21, 2021.

Forward proposals to: Township of North Bergen

Suzanne Taylor, Purchasing Agent

4233 Kennedy Boulevard

North Bergen, NJ 07047

New Jersey PR Agencies include Dukas Linden and Coyne PR.

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