Illinois Town Issues Digital RFP

Illinois Town Issues Digital RFP

Illinois Town Issues Digital RFP

Village of Summit, Illinois has issued an RFP for Website Design to improve the quality of the Village’s website. The Village seeks to create a dynamic mobile friendly website that is designed and organized in a manner that allows viewers with limited computer experience to easily find and access information. The site is intended to act as a marketing tool for the Village to highlight the community, its assets, and attractions to potential residents and businesses. The site should be easy to update, modify, and The Village desires that this relationship be in place for several years.


The Village of Summit, incorporated in 1890, is located in central Cook County. Summit is approximately 4 miles west of Midway International Airport. The Village’s current population is approximately 11,000.

Scope of Work

A final scope of work will be developed with the respondent, submitting the selected proposal, (“The Contractor”) and the Village at the time of selection. The following acts only as a concept plan to generally communicate the Village’s desires.

  1. Proposals for redesign of the website should include the following:
  2. Design a unique, attractive website to address the Village requirements as provided in this RFP or in discussions with the Village following the selection of a Contractor.
  3. Design a self-supporting, consistent, user-friendly navigation framework for the Village website that is understandable to users of all web browsing experience.
  4. Design a template for all pages within the site. All pages must be consistent, look professional, and enhance the image of the Village. The village is also interested in sub-site branding for fire and police services.
  5. The Contractor should maintain timely and regular communication with the Village during the development process.
  6. Assist with the development of web page content so information is organized and easy to access as well as the entire site has a uniform, consistent format.
  7. Aid the Village in transitioning to the new website including staff training and the production of a guidebook or instructions on changing/updating the website.
  8. The primary purpose of the website is as a communication tool between the Village and outside stakeholders. To best meet the needs of both, it is expected that the completed website includes each of the following components:
    • A site map;
    • Rotating pictures of the Village scenes on the front page;
    • An area for listing bids and requests for proposals; Doing Business with the Village; ability to download pdf versions of bid documents;
    • Searchable access to Village Board meeting minutes and agendas. Management of the agendas and minutes within the site is highly desired. All documents and their attached contents should be searchable;
    • A search function that allows the user to search the whole site or subsections within the site;
    • Ability to interact with Google Maps for directions and maps;
    • Automated translation functions supporting a minimum of Spanish and Polish.
    • An interactive, current calendar with a listing of important dates and community events, which would allow readers to get more information, such as agendas with a click. Ability for user to add mobile, Outlook, and iCal calendar objects from the calendar.
    • Ability to download applications and forms (ex: Adobe Acrobat Reader)
    • The ability for users to complete various forms online including but not limited to online permitting forms. These pages must be able to embed or direct inputted data to third party solutions.
    • The ability to conduct online polls and surveys with responses in multiple formats with anti-robot protection including but not limited to: multiple choice, free-flowing text and “check all that apply;
    • Residents would be able to report problems, ask questions, submit comments; the comment would generate an email to the appropriate Village staff member;
    • A way for residents to automatically add or delete an email address from a mass email distribution list. This email distribution list should be available in database form for staff to access;
    • Ability to enable access to large volumes of Village documents, such as annual audits and budgets;
    • Links to the off-site Village Code webpage;
    • The ability to view streaming video that the Village produces on the site.
    • Hierarchy of user permissions to enable editing of specific set of pages based on user or user group.
  9. Any additional features the respondent feels would improve the Village website or the transition process can be noted. The Village expects that the Contractor and Village will work together to plan and organize information on the site, which most likely will include planning sessions, regular meetings, and continued communication throughout the duration of the website design project.

About Summit:

This section will include pages about the Village and include information on Village history, facts, maps, links, FAQs, current events, and the newsletter.


This section will include pages on the Village’s elected officials, Village staff, and Village departments. Other information could include village staff directory, meeting dates, minutes, meeting agendas, budget information, comprehensive plans, the annual financial audit, municipal code, and links to state and federal officials.

Resident Services:

Residents could visit these pages to learn about services offered by the Village including waste removal, utilities, permits, and other programs. This section would also provide links to those services provided by other governmental agencies including library, school, park district, etc.

Business Services:

This section would highlight those services offered by the Village to businesses, including business license applications, permit applications and information, zoning information, etc.

Economic Development:

This section will serve as a primary marketing took to attract new businesses to the Village. This section will be developed with input from the Village’s Economic Development Team. The section would feature available parcels, retail space for lease, maps, market area information and other pertinent information focused on the attraction and retention of businesses in the community.

Other features to be on the home page could include but are not be limited to:

  • A search function
  • A language translation function
  • Links to other Summit resources
  • Links to local business
  • Ability to review current and former editions of the village newsletter
  • A frequently asked questions menu listing common resident questions
  • A section with current or important news

The following municipal websites have features that would be preferred for use in the Village website:

Proposal due by February 11, 2017 to:

Village of Summit at the Strzelcyzk
Municipal Building
7321 West 59th
Summit, Illinois 60501

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