IPRA Golden World Awards Launches Call for Entries


The International Public Relations Awards competition launched a call for entries for this year’s edition. The entry deadline for the 21st annual IPRA Golden World Awards is May 6 and is open for programmes carried out or completed in 2012/2013. However, late entries will be accepted through 20 May in exchange for a late fee of GBP50/entry.


An international panel of senior practitioners will judge the papers submitted for this contest. Judging will take place in two rounds, the first one analyzing summaries and concentrating on identifying the finalists, and the second one, judging the complete dossiers of supporting materials for the finalist entries.

Agency and Inhouse entries can be submitted for a large number of categories, such as Business-to-business, Communication Research, Community Relations, Consumer PR for an existing product, Digital Media Relations, Crisis management, Corporate communications, Integration of tradition & new media, Healthcare, Media relations, NGO campaign, Online Crisis Communications and many more.

The judges may grant one, several or no awards in each category, while the IPRA Grand Prix for Excellence will be selected from the category winners. Representatives from the United Nations will offer the United Nations Award for the campaign that best supports human development in line with UN objectives.

All information on the awards, criteria, rules, categories, etc. can be found on the official website. In what the registration is concerned, there is an infographic on the website with detailed information.

IPRA Golden World Awards is an event recognized by professionals worldwide, and winning such an award is definitely a great add to an agency or company’s record.

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